Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


[ECCV 2022] CAViT: Contextual Alignment Vision Transformer for Video Object Re-identification


  • Download datasets

    • MARS
    • MARS_DL
    • LS_VID
    • PRID-2011
    • iLIDS-VID
    • vveri901
  • add data path

    • run export FASTREID_DATASETS=/path/to/datasets/ in the terminal,
    • or add export FASTREID_DATASETS=/path/to/datasets/ to your ~/.bashrc
  • Install requirement

conda create -n reid python=3.7
conda activate reid
conda install pytorch==1.6.0 torchvision tensorboard -c pytorch

# if you use A100 gpu, please install pytorch >= 1.7 and cudatoolkit >=11.0
# for example
# conda install pytorch==1.9.1 torchvision==0.10.1 torchaudio==0.9.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
  • using cython for evalution
cd fastreid/evaluation/rank_cylib
make all

Support backbone

  • swin transformer & swin transformer 3D
  • ViT & ViT 3D (timeformer)
  • TSM
  • AP3D
  • BickNet
  • token shift


  1. If you want to train with 4-GPU, run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 1

  1. If you want to train with 4-GPU, run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 4  HEADS.NORM syncBN


  1. If you want to test with 1-GPU, run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 1  --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS logs/prid2011/model_best.pth TEMP.TEST.ALL True
  1. If you want to test with 4-GPUs, run:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 4  --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS logs/prid2011/model_best.pth TEMP.TEST.ALL True  HEADS.NORM syncBN

This repo also implements the fixed length sequeence testing & the flexible length testing.

  1. Flexible testing (use all frames in the sequence for testing)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 1  --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS logs/prid2011/model_best.pth TEMP.TEST.ALL True
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 4  --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS logs/prid2011/model_best.pth TEMP.TEST.ALL True  HEADS.NORM syncBN
  1. Fixed length testing
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 1  --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS logs/prid2011/model_best.pth TEMP.TEST.ALL False  TEMP.TEST.SEQ_SIZE  8   TEMP.TEST.TRACK_SPLIT 128
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python3 projects/CAViT/train.py --config-file projects/CAViT/configs/cavit_prid2011.yml  --num-gpus 4  --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS logs/prid2011/model_best.pth HEADS.NORM syncBN TEMP.TEST.ALL False  TEMP.TEST.SEQ_SIZE  8   TEMP.TEST.TRACK_SPLIT 128


  • The experimental results on these two data sets are unstable, particulary on PRID-2011. (e.g., Dropout in ViT, Diffent GPUs, pytorch versions, and etc., all of them may influence the final results.)

  • If you train models with multi-gpus, please fix HEADS.NORM: BN to HEADS.NORM: syncBN in the config file. This may influence the results.

  • For MARS_DL dataset, NewRank-1 and New_mAP are the performance metric, while on other datasets, Rank-1 ,Rank-5, and mAP are the performance metric.

  • We reproduce the experiments of our paper with 1% performance gap. The model

Dataset R1 R5 mAP
MARS 90.96 97.83 87.64
iLIDS-VID 94.67 98.67 -
PRID2011 95.51 98.88 -
MARSDL 95.74 90.19 -
LS-VID 89.14 96.03 79.37

Download models


If you have any question about the project, please feel free to contact me.

E-mail: jinlin.wu@nlpr.ia.ac.cn