
Type Safe Enum generator for Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT build

goenums is a tool to help you generate go type safe enums that are much more tightly typed than just iota defined enums.


go install github.com/zarldev/goenums@latest


goenums -h Usage: goenums <file-with-iota>


Defining the list of enums in the respective go file and then point the goenum binary at the require file. This can be specified in the go generate command like below: For example we have the file below called status.go :

package validation

type status int

//go:generate goenums status.go
const (
	unknown status = iota

Now running the go generate command will generate the following code in a new file called status_enum.go

package validation

import (

type Status struct {

type statusContainer struct {
	UNKNOWN   Status
	FAILED    Status
	PASSED    Status
	SKIPPED   Status
	RUNNING   Status
	BOOKED    Status

var Statuses = statusContainer{
	UNKNOWN: Status{
		status: unknown,
	FAILED: Status{
		status: failed,
	PASSED: Status{
		status: passed,
	SKIPPED: Status{
		status: skipped,
		status: scheduled,
	RUNNING: Status{
		status: running,
	BOOKED: Status{
		status: booked,

func (c statusContainer) All() []Status {
	return []Status{

var invalidStatus = Status{}

func ParseStatus(a any) Status {
	switch v := a.(type) {
	case Status:
		return v
	case fmt.Stringer:
		return stringToStatus(v.String())
	case string:
		return stringToStatus(v)
	case int:
		return intToStatus(v)
	case int32:
		return intToStatus(int(v))
	case int64:
		return intToStatus(int(v))
	return invalidStatus

func stringToStatus(s string) Status {
	lwr := strings.ToLower(s)
	switch lwr {
	case "unknown":
		return Statuses.UNKNOWN
	case "failed":
		return Statuses.FAILED
	case "passed":
		return Statuses.PASSED
	case "skipped":
		return Statuses.SKIPPED
	case "scheduled":
		return Statuses.SCHEDULED
	case "running":
		return Statuses.RUNNING
	case "booked":
		return Statuses.BOOKED
	return invalidStatus

func intToStatus(i int) Status {
	if i < 0 || i >= len(Statuses.All()) {
		return invalidStatus
	return Statuses.All()[i]

func ExhaustiveStatuses(f func(Status)) {
	for _, p := range Statuses.All() {

var validStatuses = map[Status]bool{
	Statuses.UNKNOWN:   true,
	Statuses.FAILED:    true,
	Statuses.PASSED:    true,
	Statuses.SKIPPED:   true,
	Statuses.SCHEDULED: true,
	Statuses.RUNNING:   true,
	Statuses.BOOKED:    true,

func (p Status) IsValid() bool {
	return validStatuses[p]

func (p Status) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte(`"` + p.String() + `"`), nil

func (p *Status) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	b = bytes.Trim(bytes.Trim(b, `"`), ` `)
	*p = ParseStatus(string(b))
	return nil

func _() {
	// An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed.
	// Re-run the goenums command to generate them again.
	// Does not identify newly added constant values unless order changes
	var x [1]struct{}
	_ = x[unknown-0]
	_ = x[failed-1]
	_ = x[passed-2]
	_ = x[skipped-3]
	_ = x[scheduled-4]
	_ = x[running-5]
	_ = x[booked-6]

const _status_name = "unknownfailedpassedskippedscheduledrunningbooked"

var _status_index = [...]uint16{0, 7, 13, 19, 26, 35, 42, 48}

func (i status) String() string {
	if i < 0 || i >= status(len(_status_index)-1) {
		return "status(" + (strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")")
	return _status_name[_status_index[i]:_status_index[i+1]]


String representation

All enums are generated with a String representation for each enum and JSON Marshaling and UnMarshaling for use in HTTP Request structs. The string function is now the same as the go cmd stringer for the base case.


The enums can have additional functionality added by just adding comments to the type definition and corresponding values to the comments in the iota definitions. There is also the invalid comment flag which will no longer include the value in the exhaustive list.

For example we have the file below called planets.go :

package milkyway

type planet int // Gravity[float64],RadiusKm[float64],MassKg[float64],OrbitKm[float64],OrbitDays[float64],SurfacePressureBars[float64],Moons[int],Rings[bool]

//go:generate goenums planets.go
const (
	unknown planet = iota // invalid
	mercury               // Mercury 0.378,2439.7,3.3e23,57910000,88,0.0000000001,0,false
	venus                 // Venus 0.907,6051.8,4.87e24,108200000,225,92,0,false
	earth                 // Earth 1,6378.1,5.97e24,149600000,365,1,1,false
	mars                  // Mars 0.377,3389.5,6.42e23,227900000,687,0.01,2,false
	jupiter               // Jupiter 2.36,69911,1.90e27,778600000,4333,20,4,true
	saturn                // Saturn 0.916,58232,5.68e26,1433500000,10759,1,7,true
	uranus                // Uranus 0.889,25362,8.68e25,2872500000,30687,1.3,13,true
	neptune               // Neptune 1.12,24622,1.02e26,4495100000,60190,1.5,2,true

Now running the go generate command will generate the following code in a new file called planet_enum.go

package milkyway

import (

type Planet struct {
	Gravity             float64
	RadiusKm            float64
	MassKg              float64
	OrbitKm             float64
	OrbitDays           float64
	SurfacePressureBars float64
	Moons               int
	Rings               bool

type planetContainer struct {
	VENUS   Planet
	EARTH   Planet
	MARS    Planet
	SATURN  Planet
	URANUS  Planet

var Planets = planetContainer{
	MERCURY: Planet{
		planet:              mercury,
		Gravity:             0.378,
		RadiusKm:            2439.7,
		MassKg:              3.3e23,
		OrbitKm:             57910000,
		OrbitDays:           88,
		SurfacePressureBars: 0.0000000001,
		Moons:               0,
		Rings:               false,
	VENUS: Planet{
		planet:              venus,
		Gravity:             0.907,
		RadiusKm:            6051.8,
		MassKg:              4.87e24,
		OrbitKm:             108200000,
		OrbitDays:           225,
		SurfacePressureBars: 92,
		Moons:               0,
		Rings:               false,
	EARTH: Planet{
		planet:              earth,
		Gravity:             1,
		RadiusKm:            6378.1,
		MassKg:              5.97e24,
		OrbitKm:             149600000,
		OrbitDays:           365,
		SurfacePressureBars: 1,
		Moons:               1,
		Rings:               false,
	MARS: Planet{
		planet:              mars,
		Gravity:             0.377,
		RadiusKm:            3389.5,
		MassKg:              6.42e23,
		OrbitKm:             227900000,
		OrbitDays:           687,
		SurfacePressureBars: 0.01,
		Moons:               2,
		Rings:               false,
	JUPITER: Planet{
		planet:              jupiter,
		Gravity:             2.36,
		RadiusKm:            69911,
		MassKg:              1.90e27,
		OrbitKm:             778600000,
		OrbitDays:           4333,
		SurfacePressureBars: 20,
		Moons:               4,
		Rings:               true,
	SATURN: Planet{
		planet:              saturn,
		Gravity:             0.916,
		RadiusKm:            58232,
		MassKg:              5.68e26,
		OrbitKm:             1433500000,
		OrbitDays:           10759,
		SurfacePressureBars: 1,
		Moons:               7,
		Rings:               true,
	URANUS: Planet{
		planet:              uranus,
		Gravity:             0.889,
		RadiusKm:            25362,
		MassKg:              8.68e25,
		OrbitKm:             2872500000,
		OrbitDays:           30687,
		SurfacePressureBars: 1.3,
		Moons:               13,
		Rings:               true,
	NEPTUNE: Planet{
		planet:              neptune,
		Gravity:             1.12,
		RadiusKm:            24622,
		MassKg:              1.02e26,
		OrbitKm:             4495100000,
		OrbitDays:           60190,
		SurfacePressureBars: 1.5,
		Moons:               2,
		Rings:               true,

func (c planetContainer) All() []Planet {
	return []Planet{

var invalidPlanet = Planet{}

func ParsePlanet(a any) Planet {
	switch v := a.(type) {
	case Planet:
		return v
	case string:
		return stringToPlanet(v)
	case fmt.Stringer:
		return stringToPlanet(v.String())
	case int:
		return intToPlanet(v)
	case int64:
		return intToPlanet(int(v))
	case int32:
		return intToPlanet(int(v))
	return invalidPlanet

func stringToPlanet(s string) Planet {
	lwr := strings.ToLower(s)
	switch lwr {
	case "unknown":
		return Planets.UNKNOWN
	case "mercury":
		return Planets.MERCURY
	case "venus":
		return Planets.VENUS
	case "earth":
		return Planets.EARTH
	case "mars":
		return Planets.MARS
	case "jupiter":
		return Planets.JUPITER
	case "saturn":
		return Planets.SATURN
	case "uranus":
		return Planets.URANUS
	case "neptune":
		return Planets.NEPTUNE
	return invalidPlanet

func intToPlanet(i int) Planet {
	if i < 0 || i >= len(Planets.All()) {
		return invalidPlanet
	return Planets.All()[i]

func ExhaustivePlanets(f func(Planet)) {
	for _, p := range Planets.All() {

var validPlanets = map[Planet]bool{
	Planets.MERCURY: true,
	Planets.VENUS:   true,
	Planets.EARTH:   true,
	Planets.MARS:    true,
	Planets.JUPITER: true,
	Planets.SATURN:  true,
	Planets.URANUS:  true,
	Planets.NEPTUNE: true,

func (p Planet) IsValid() bool {
	return validPlanets[p]

func (p Planet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte(`"` + p.String() + `"`), nil

func (p *Planet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	b = bytes.Trim(bytes.Trim(b, `"`), ` `)
	*p = ParsePlanet(string(b))
	return nil

func _() {
	// An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed.
	// Re-run the goenums command to generate them again.
	// Does not identify newly added constant values unless order changes
	var x [1]struct{}
	_ = x[unknown-0]
	_ = x[mercury-1]
	_ = x[venus-2]
	_ = x[earth-3]
	_ = x[mars-4]
	_ = x[jupiter-5]
	_ = x[saturn-6]
	_ = x[uranus-7]
	_ = x[neptune-8]

const _planet_name = "unknownMercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptune"

var _planet_index = [...]uint16{0, 7, 14, 19, 24, 28, 35, 41, 47, 54}

func (i planet) String() string {
	if i < 0 || i >= planet(len(_planet_index)-1) {
		return "planet(" + (strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")")
	return _planet_name[_planet_index[i]:_planet_index[i+1]]

With the above code generated we can use the ExhaustivePlanets to iterate over all Enums for example:

package main

import (


func main() {
	weightKg := 100.0
	milkyway.ExhaustivePlanets(func(p milkyway.Planet) {
		// calculate weight on each planet
		gravity := p.Gravity
		planetMass := weightKg * gravity
		fmt.Printf("Weight on %s is %fKg with gravity %f\n", p, planetMass, gravity)


Also the fact that the enums are concrete types with no way to instantiate the nested struct means that you can't just pass the int representation of the enum into the generated wrapper struct.

The above Status and Planet examples can be found in the examples directory.

