
Large WASM Collider

Primary LanguageAssembly

LWC: Large Hadron WASM Collider

Inject packets in a closed loop system, observing how long it took them to travel hop-by-hop.




The Control Plane is a HTTP API Component. It's job is to inject packets into the system and stay out of their way!


Probes are situated at different locations ( north, south, east, west). The Probe interface:

interface packet-looper {
  process: func(packet: u64, ttl: u64, chaos: u16, route: option<string>);

world probe {
  export packet-looper;
  import packet-looper;

Meaning: Each Probe implements the packet-looper interface and also requires another component exporting the same interface. This pattern is called Component Composition and components are usually linked at build time.


One of wasmCloud core features is Component Linking at Runtime, allowing components to:

  • Scale and failover independently
  • Update components independently
  • Swap implementations dynamically

This allows implementing Remote Procedure Calls without having to worry about transport or protocols.


Using it

Bring up the environment:

docker-compose up

Build & Push control-room & probe components to the docker-compose OCI Registry:


Deploy the Application:

wash app deploy ./wadm.yaml

The Control-Room will be available at http://localhost:30000

TODO(lxf): minimalist UI

Send requests to the Control Room:

curl 'localhost:30000/' -i


lwc ❯ curl 'localhost:30000/' -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
vary: origin, access-control-request-method, access-control-request-headers
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-expose-headers: *
transfer-encoding: chunked
date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 15:32:44 GMT


Go to Grafana for results: http://localhost:5050/d/edxe55w3unapsb/lhc-demo

Play with the API! It accepts the following parameters:

  • ttl: Forward the packet this many times. Default: 100
  • route: Pick a path for packets to travel. Possible values: default | special. Default: default
  • chaos: Number between 0 - 100 to introduce faults. Default 0

Example: curl 'localhost:30000/?ttl=100&chaos=50&route=special' -i