: selected text as stdin, instead of selected line (builtin<Visual>:!
<Visual>:Sh -v cat
: execute shell command in new application window.
" use default detected application
:Sh -w ls -l
" force using cmd.exe
:Sh -w=cmd ls -l
: execute shell command in embedded terminal. Support-t=xxx
to specify cmd to prepare terminal buffer; since space is not allowd in opt, cmd like:bel 7sp
should be wrapped with UserCommand.
" run after :vsplit
:Sh -t=vs pwd
" use current buffer
:Sh -t= pwd
" use default layout (window height is like cmdwin)
:Sh -t pwd
: try to reuse existing builtin tty window (implies -t option); -
: run command in background (move focus back to edit buffer).
:Sh! -b gcc % -o %:r && %:r
" also try this (if in tmux session):
:Sh -b,w=tmuxs gcc % -o %:r && %:r
Usage: [range]Sh[!] [-flags] [cmd...]
Sh uname -o
Flags parsing rule:
"," delimited; if item contains "=", it is used as sub opt; else it is combination of flags
Supported flags:
h: display this help
!: (:Sh! ...); try to reuse terminal window (implies -t)
v: visual mode (char level)
t: use builtin terminal (support sub opt, like this: -t=7split)
sub opt is used as action to prepare terminal buffer
w: use external terminal (support sub opt, like this: -w=urxvt,w=cmd)
currently supported: kitty, alacritty|alac, konsole|kde, xfce4Terminal|xfce, urxvt, WindowsTerminal|wt, ConEmu|conemu, mintty, cmd, tmux, tmuxc, tmuxs, tmuxv
order can be controlled by variable `g:sh_programs`
c: close terminal after execution
b: focus on current buffer / window
f: filter, like ":{range}!cmd"
r: like ":[range]read !cmd"
n: dry run (echo options passed to job_start)
S: run command directly, skipping shell
g: open file or run command in background / gui context
implies -S / -w option; use ":!start" in win32, job_start in other systems
when using job_start, open / xdg-open is used when only one arg given.
set variable g:sh_path
to override default shell:
- win32 default shell: msys2 shell (msys64 zsh, msys64 bash, msys32 zsh, msys32 bash), git shell (git bash, git x86 bash), busybox; the first available shell is set.
- unix-like default shell:
set variable g:sh_programs
to override default -w
program detection order:
default is like: ['alacritty', 'urxvt', ...]
(all available values can be viewed by executing :Sh -h
element of g:sh_programs
can be function, like this:
" use !empty() to turn job object into number
let g:sh_programs = [{x -> !empty(job_start(['alacritty', '-e'] + x.cmd))}]
If the function returns 0, then try the next element.
(embedded terminal behavior may be different, because of neovim / vim's different terminal implementation)
Especially if using Windows;
like Vim's :terminal ++shell
with unix shell syntax.
So things like &&
, ||
, if
, *
work by default.
(though shell can be skipped intentionally by -S
with optional modifiers (:p
) is expanded only when passed as a standalone argument; and it is shell-escaped (like:S
modifier is always used; use unix shellescape rule even on win32). -
to make it compatible with
modifier can be passed, and it will be trimmed (use customshellescape
This means that command like Sh printf %s %:t:e
will print file basename
is not expanded; %:t:e
should NOT be quoted, as it is escaped
Sh printf %s %:t:e:S
also works.