This is a repository for micro examples. Feel free to contribute.
Most likely needed examples
- service - A sample micro service
- greeter - A complete greeter example
- booking - A demo end to end application
- api - Provides API usage examples
- booking - A demo application
- broker - A example of using Broker for Publish and Subscribing.
- client - Usage of the Client package to call a service.
- command - An example of bot commands as micro services
- config - Using Go Config for dynamic config
- event - Using the API Gateway event handler
- filter - Filter nodes of a service when requesting
- flags - Using command line flags with a service
- form - How to parse a form behind the micro api
- function - Example of using Function programming model
- getip - Get the local and remote ip from metadata
- graceful - Demonstrates graceful shutdown of a service
- greeter - A complete greeter example (includes python, ruby examples)
- heartbeat - Make services heartbeat with discovery for high availability
- helloworld - Hello world using micro
- kubernetes - Examples of using the k8s registry and grpc
- metadata - Extracting metadata from context of a request
- mocking - Demonstrate mocking helloworld service
- noproto - Use micro without protobuf or code generation, only go types
- options - Setting options in the go-micro framework
- plugins - How to use plugins
- pubsub - Example of using pubsub at the client/server level
- grpc - Examples of how to use go-micro/service/grpc
- redirect - An example of how to http redirect using an API service
- roundrobin - A stateful client wrapper for true round robin of requests
- secure - Demonstrates use of transport secure option for self signed certs
- server - Use of the Server package directly to server requests.
- service - Example of the top level Service in go-micro.
- sharding - An example of how to shard requests or use session affinity
- shutdown - Demonstrates graceful shutdown via context cancellation
- stream - An example of a streaming service and client
- template - Api, web and srv service templates generated with the 'micro new' command
- tunnel - How to use connection tunneling with the tunnel package
- waitgroup - Demonstrates how to use a waitgroup with a service
- wrapper - A simple example of using a log wrapper
Find contributions from the community via the explorer
- go-shopping - A sample product with a suite of services
- shippy - A multi app demo and tutorial
- microhq - A place for micro services
All services require service discovery. The default is multicast DNS, a zeroconf system.
If you need something multi-host or more resilient use consul.
# install
brew install consul
# run
consul agent -dev
Use flag --registry=consul
to enable the consul registry.
Protobuf is used for code generation of message types and client/hander stubs.
If making changes recompile the protos.
Install protoc for your environment. Then:
go get{proto,protoc-gen-go}
go get
protoc --proto_path=$GOPATH/src:. --micro_out=. --go_out=. path/to/proto