- aarnt
- alexqtc@cpp-qt
- anonymouz
- arianXdevTexas Blockchain Center LLC / @ParaLead / @PaperScore
- ChirunosBrazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas
- CodingKoopa
- D1mon
- dit7yaShores of Inifinity
- EliahKaganSyracuse, NY
- g4570n
- gaborigloi
- glum-psycheRussia
- heitor92Brazil
- IhorHordiichukUkraine, Cherkasy
- itfarrierBelitsoft
- JackneillEvotrex
- jirutkaCzech Technical University
- kefiiris
- lbssousaTribunal Regional Federal da 3ª Região
- lugorians
- MartinX3DevSecOps
- mastaizaRussia , Omsk
- mtve
- oijm17
- rafaelbressanTrampolin / QR Capital / Bressan Design
- sahwarBulgaria/Mr. worldwide
- seanpm2001Self-employed; looking for tips
- VdragonV字龍軟體開發組(Vdragon Software Development Group)
- wigustThe land of lisp
- wxlEugene, OR
- xiangzhai@loongson
- YohgfdUkraine
- youssefbouali@Wsoum
- zen0bit@oSoWoSo and @OpenSourceWorldOrder