
The is a rails gem which helps to generate questionnaire

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This gem aims to provide a general questionnaire scaffold, with which you can quickly make you own questionnaire page.


This is a Rails-based gem. It can only work with you Rails application. Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'know_more'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install know_more


How to use KnowMore to generate questionnaire scaffold to you?

rails g know_more:init

This will generate a initializer file, where you can config the questionnaire steps and the url to go when questionnaire is finished

Configure the the initializer file config/initializers/know\_more.rb

Then run the install generator, which will give you templates, controller concerns, model and migration file.

rails g know_more:install MODEL

This will generate template with erb engine, you can use --haml to generate haml template

The argument MODEL indicates the questionnaire model name

It will also create a migration, you can add other attribute to this migration

What the generated files used for

  1. app/controllers/concerns/know_more/questionnaire_controller_concerns.rb

    This file is included by the QuestionnaireController(in the gem), you can add the behaviour that you want to do in each step

    Here is an example:

    module KnowMore
      # this module is used to define the functions
      # that will actually run in the KnowMore/QuestionnaireController
      module QuestionnaireControllerConcerns
        def self.included(base)
          # define the behaviour when included
          base.before_action :set_questionnaire
        # _stepN function will be called by questionnaire#stepN
        def _step1
        def _step1_update
        def _step2
        def _step2_update
        def set_questionnaire
          @questionnaire = current_questionnaire
        def questionnaire_params
          params.require(:questionnaire).permit(:attribute1, :attribute2, :attribute3)
  2. app/models/MODEL.rb This is the questionnaire model, it has an attribute progress which records which step the client was on. Cooperating with require_questionnaire!, you can force your client to continue with the previous questionnaire.

Then include the module KnowMore::ControllerHelpers into your ApplicationController or BaseController and implement your own current_questionnaire

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include KnowMore::ControllerHelpers

  def current_questionnaire
    # your implementation


  1. The questionnaire returned by current_questionnaire should be created at first. Because the process of doing questionnaire is only editing

  2. In the KnowMore::ControllerHelpers, it provide a helper function require_questionnaire!, it could force user to finish questionnaire before going to a controller by redirecting the user to the last step of the questionnaire

before_action :require_questionnaire!


  1. add welcome page configuration
  2. allow copy the controller to user app so that user can modify the questionnaire controller
  3. support rename step


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.