
quick ssh set up guide for github

Use multiple SSH keys on one client

Save from hassles when accessing remote servers(like Github)
▶ avoid from re-entering username/passwd mutiple times with *HTTPS*

Generate/Upload private/public key pairs

  1. Generete SSH key

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/nux.github.id_rsa -C "nuxlee92@gmail.com"

  2. Create/Update vi ~/.ssh/config

    Host personal/company # alias of HostName
    HostName github.com
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/nux.github.id_rsa
  3. Add generated public key to Github (remote server)

    pbcopy < ~/.ssh/nux.github.id_rsa.pub

Link to git repo

  1. Clone the repo with configured Host

    git clone git@personal:n-u-x/testssh.git

  2. Set the right author if necessary

    git config user.name <username>
    git config user.email <email>