
  • support 1m-connections client

before running the test

  • make sure setting the correct system env, for example:
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535"
sysctl -w fs.file-max=2000500
sysctl -w fs.nr_open=2000500
sysctl -w net.nf_conntrack_max=2000500
ulimit -n 2000500
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_mem='131072  262144  524288'
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='8760  256960  4088000'
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='8760  256960  4088000'
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16384
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16384
sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=2048
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2048
sysctl -w /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog=2048
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle=1 # client nat tcp-handshak problem
sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1

nbio 1m-connections-benchmark


git clone https://github.com/lesismal/go-websocket-benchmark.git
cd go-websocket-benchmark

here is the result on my ubuntu vm:

BenchType  : Connections
Framework  : nbio_nonblocking
Connections: 1000000
Concurrency: 5000
Success    : 1000000
Failed     : 0
Used       : 41.56s
TPS        : 24061
Min        : 20ns
Avg        : 192.57ms
Max        : 41.52s
TP50       : 30ns
TP75       : 30ns
TP90       : 30ns
TP95       : 31ns
TP99       : 31ns
BenchType  : BenchEcho
Framework  : nbio_nonblocking
Conns      : 1000000
Concurrency: 50000
Payload    : 1024
Total      : 5000000
Success    : 5000000
Failed     : 0
Used       : 47.02s
CPU Min    : 0.00%
CPU Avg    : 340.08%
CPU Max    : 386.93%
MEM Min    : 1.76G
MEM Avg    : 1.91G
MEM Max    : 1.94G
TPS        : 106348
Min        : 436.16us
Avg        : 465.78ms
Max        : 2.42s
TP50       : 412.36ms
TP75       : 600.92ms
TP90       : 779.92ms
TP95       : 1.04s
TP99       : 1.35s

benchmark for all frameworks


git clone https://github.com/lesismal/go-websocket-benchmark.git
cd go-websocket-benchmark

# if you want to change the benchmark config, just read the script and edit:
# go-websocket-benchmark/script/config.sh

Some benchmark results:

20230804 22:01.04.584 [BenchEcho] Report

Framework TPS Min Avg Max TP50 TP75 TP90 TP95 TP99 Used Total Success Failed Conns Concurrency Payload CPU Min CPU Avg CPU Max MEM Min MEM Avg MEM Max
fasthttp 626359 17.34us 15.91ms 241.32ms 14.48ms 16.32ms 21.12ms 22.40ms 25.32ms 3.19s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 636.94 643.58 646.94 263.57M 265.70M 267.83M
gobwas 510595 11.39us 19.49ms 251.97ms 16.62ms 21.06ms 26.69ms 34.10ms 77.68ms 3.92s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 718.84 762.87 785.80 361.89M 364.79M 366.24M
gorilla 620387 13.78us 16.05ms 235.99ms 14.44ms 16.35ms 21.53ms 23.15ms 36.00ms 3.22s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 640.17 646.90 652.78 262.93M 264.93M 266.93M
gws 640529 7.32us 15.55ms 140.41ms 13.54ms 15.48ms 21.49ms 23.01ms 70.18ms 3.12s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 638.90 641.26 643.94 170.94M 171.40M 171.86M
gws_std 628836 12.49us 15.86ms 246.86ms 14.01ms 16.15ms 21.77ms 23.23ms 46.66ms 3.18s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 635.95 642.24 647.87 318.72M 331.50M 344.29M
hertz 270051 10.24ms 36.90ms 80.09ms 33.25ms 35.15ms 61.32ms 63.22ms 65.65ms 7.41s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 382.97 390.58 394.66 509.59M 552.77M 595.20M
hertz_std 604316 17.63us 16.49ms 233.92ms 14.81ms 17.34ms 22.42ms 23.76ms 29.31ms 3.31s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 674.94 687.22 697.85 332.12M 334.19M 336.27M
nbio_blocking 646592 12.83us 15.39ms 226.96ms 13.84ms 15.71ms 21.18ms 22.53ms 25.48ms 3.09s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 635.73 652.49 661.84 167.41M 180.08M 192.76M
nbio_mixed 647891 11.41us 15.34ms 244.91ms 13.64ms 15.74ms 20.88ms 22.23ms 47.71ms 3.09s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 629.76 637.21 647.92 224.78M 225.82M 226.86M
nbio_nonblocking 484499 18.48us 20.55ms 135.01ms 18.82ms 25.85ms 33.46ms 39.58ms 52.92ms 4.13s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 669.95 681.43 691.97 121.20M 122.72M 123.88M
nbio_std 594338 8.58us 16.78ms 108.26ms 14.82ms 18.63ms 23.01ms 26.32ms 55.82ms 3.37s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 643.88 665.11 680.91 172.60M 175.74M 178.88M
nettyws 637288 10.18us 15.63ms 105.14ms 14.02ms 16.06ms 20.97ms 22.50ms 35.77ms 3.14s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 624.95 636.00 643.86 173.52M 178.02M 182.52M
nhooyr 478661 10.65us 20.80ms 105.04ms 19.23ms 21.55ms 28.03ms 31.75ms 59.06ms 4.18s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 789.93 797.15 799.94 374.30M 381.30M 389.00M
quickws 658489 10.21us 15.13ms 108.65ms 13.58ms 15.63ms 20.14ms 21.46ms 33.63ms 3.04s 2000000 2000000 0 10000 10000 1024 598.95 601.89 606.81 121.34M 121.34M 121.34M

20230804 22:01.04.603 [BenchRate] Report

Framework Duration Packet Sent Bytes Sent Packet Recv Bytes Recv Conns SendRate Payload CPU Min CPU Avg CPU Max MEM Min MEM Avg MEM Max
fasthttp 10.00s 19716970 18.80G 19716970 18.80G 10000 200 1024 755.06 772.10 786.86 282.74M 335.02M 397.34M
gobwas 10.00s 9390220 8.96G 9138368 8.72G 10000 200 1024 746.92 757.94 769.85 440.77M 477.40M 513.70M
gorilla 10.00s 19832610 18.91G 19832610 18.91G 10000 200 1024 751.19 765.83 784.49 300.57M 351.94M 378.28M
gws 10.00s 19693400 18.78G 19693400 18.78G 10000 200 1024 763.46 785.61 794.74 191.07M 197.97M 202.86M
gws_std 10.00s 19819030 18.90G 19819030 18.90G 10000 200 1024 733.12 755.77 774.18 368.39M 371.17M 372.80M
hertz 10.00s 12542490 11.96G 12211819 11.65G 10000 200 1024 639.92 650.38 688.13 662.18M 746.45M 824.33M
hertz_std 10.00s 19837530 18.92G 19837530 18.92G 10000 200 1024 744.39 793.03 801.84 371.93M 435.85M 499.13M
nbio_blocking 10.00s 19711560 18.80G 19711560 18.80G 10000 200 1024 731.78 776.91 787.87 207.99M 208.55M 208.62M
nbio_mixed 10.00s 19857130 18.94G 19857130 18.94G 10000 200 1024 751.46 771.90 787.79 344.78M 414.50M 433.02M
nbio_nonblocking 10.00s 17597410 16.78G 17489228 16.68G 10000 200 1024 748.09 756.91 763.91 457.25M 557.19M 583.99M
nbio_std 10.00s 19899870 18.98G 19840008 18.92G 10000 200 1024 755.10 766.49 783.42 196.35M 196.37M 196.47M
nettyws 10.00s 19569210 18.66G 19525710 18.62G 10000 200 1024 757.65 790.72 801.54 228.10M 241.45M 244.84M
nhooyr 10.00s 10424290 9.94G 10424290 9.94G 10000 200 1024 742.93 793.16 799.63 422.39M 472.55M 495.47M
quickws 10.00s 19898080 18.98G 19898080 18.98G 10000 200 1024 722.18 731.32 738.90 139.14M 142.43M 142.94M