Thanks to the developer of Shadowsocks @clowwindy
Thanks to the developer of ShadowsocksR @breakwa11
This Dockerfile builds an image with the Python implementation of ShadowsocksR. Based on Alpine image(A lightweight Linux).
This image uses ENTRYPOINT to run the containers as an executable.
docker run -d -p 8388:8388/tcp -p 8388:8388/udp smounives/shadowsocksr-docker -s -p 8388 -k mypassword -m aes-256-cfb -o tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible -O auth_sha1_v2_compatible
You can configure the service to run on a port of your choice. Just make sure the port number given to Docker is the same as the one given to ShadowsocksR.
For more command line options.
usage: ssserver [OPTION]...
A fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.
You can supply configurations via either config file or command line arguments.
Proxy options:
-c CONFIG path to config file
-s SERVER_ADDR server address, default:
-p SERVER_PORT server port, default: 8388
-k PASSWORD password
-m METHOD encryption method, default: aes-256-cfb
-O PROTOCOL protocol plugin, default: verify_simple
-o OBFS obfsplugin, default: http_simple
-t TIMEOUT timeout in seconds, default: 300
--fast-open use TCP_FASTOPEN, requires Linux 3.7+
--workers WORKERS number of workers, available on Unix/Linux
--forbidden-ip IPLIST comma seperated IP list forbidden to connect
--manager-address ADDR optional server manager UDP address, see wiki
General options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d start/stop/restart daemon mode
--pid-file PID_FILE pid file for daemon mode
--log-file LOG_FILE log file for daemon mode
--user USER username to run as
-v, -vv verbose mode
-q, -qq quiet mode, only show warnings/errors
--version show version information