USTAF - Ultra Software Test Automation Framework

Primary LanguagePython

1. Introduction

USTAF(Ultra Software Test Automation Framework) is a XOS test automation framework which supports both centralized and decentralized working mode. It has a all-round testcase level control which guarantees the stability and accuracy of testcase execution. Also it provides a high level management for testsuite.

USTAF is designed for Validation teams that are willing to implement 7*24 automation test for validation or integration. USTAF has extreme flexibility on the execution process control. You could easily collaborate it with your build system, code review system, and CI system.

USTAF is written in Python(2.7) and the GUI is built with QT. To deploy it, you also need to install STAF(IBM open source project which provided the basic service apis), RabbitMQ, MySQL as well as some other 3rd party packages.

2. Design Overview

For centralized mode, the engineer does not need to touch the GUI, instead some high-level web server framework could communicate with the USTAF interfaces (you need to build the source code based on your platform, e.g. using py2exe to build an executable on Windows and enable the server for socket communication) or just integrate it into your web framework! And thus the end users could directly work on the dashboard. For decentralized mode, the engineer could directly use it as a GUI tool(you need to build the source code based on your platform, e.g. using py2exe to build an executable on Windows) Usage Model for USTAF

As you could see in the above figure, the engineer could directly logon to a host with USTAF to execute tasks, also the end users could execute the same operation from the Web UI as long as it is connected to the USTAF server. On the right side of the figure, it has listed(but not limited to) some typical devices that could be tested with the framework.

Since you should already have a brief idea of what USTAF is, let's have a more deep dive into the architecture of USTAF itself. USTAF Architecture As in the above figure, when the engineer push a patch to code review system(e.g., gerrit), once this patch is approved, it should trigger a build(or in other words, some release to be tested in a certain device/platform). When the build is ready to be tested, the build system could schedule a task in the queue system of USTAF(implemented with RabbitMQ, you need to define the payload of the task which could be further used in the execution, perhaps some environment variables). Here we have a concept of device pools which group the devices of same platforms and test purpose. When any device in the pool is idle, USTAF will fetch a task from the matched queue for that device to execute the test task. The benefit of pool is to balance the workload. However if you want to trigger some test on a certain device, just make the queue only have that device. You could have multiple device pools. The task is testsuite based. A testsuite could contain any numbers of testcases. And a testcase could be executed more than once based on the run-time conditions and configuration parameters. Also there could be some post-processing after each cases, such as device reboot , test log analysis and even bug isolation based on bug systems. There are lots of sockets interfaces which could support same functionalities on GUI on WEB UI. Also you could call these apis to extract run-time data about the executions. By design, a email report would be sent if task has finished. Moreover, you could adjust the order of scheduled tasks as well as cancel some tasks.

3. Testsuite/Scenario Definitions

The testsuite is a very important part of the framework though it is a standalone JSON File. The structure looks like below:

    "name": "TESTSUITE_NAME", 
    "test_type" : "PIT_LITE",
    "platform" : "TEST_PLATFORM",
    "subversion" : "SUBVERSION",
    "mail_list" : ["Joe.Doe@example.com"],
    "tools": [
            "executable": "C:/python27/python.exe", 
            "name": "TESTCASE_NAME_0", 
			"parameters": "TEST_PARAMETERS",
            "executable": "C:/python27/python.exe", 
            "name": "TESTCASE_NAME_1", 
			"parameters": "TEST_PARAMETERS",

As shown above, that's the very simple structure of a testsuite(tc)/scenario. Actually you could modify the code easily to enable more configuration parameters as well. But based on the original design(business process when I develop this framework), it does look like this way. All the testcase(ts) items are listed in the "tools". For supported configuration parameters and the corresponding definitions, please refer to below tables:

Tag Hierarchy Definitions Type Comments
name ts name of the ts str
test_type ts test type for the ts str define it base on your biz
platform ts platform for the ts str define it base on your biz
subversion ts subversion for the ts str define it base on your biz
mail_list ts list of receivers of the report list
gating_fail_rate ts test would be cancelled if fail rate larger than the threshold int default is 1.1 so if not set, no side effect
collateral ts before the execution of the first cases, the files of list[i][0] would be copied to list[i][1] list[list[]] these file syncs would help copy some test environment related files or executables
root_artifacts_path ts a base shared path used for biz purpose str default value is hard-coded, please redefine it base on your biz
executable tc executable + parameters = case cmdline str e.g., C:/python27/python.exe or cmd.exe on Windows platforms
name tc name of the tc str supposed to be all uppercases
parameters tc executable + parameters = case cmdline str e.g., C:/Test/test-sanity.py -a 5 -b 6 on Windows platforms
dependencies tc a list of tc name, if any of them failed, this tc would not be executed list[tc_name]
critical tc if True and tc failed, following tcs would be cancelled bool except for mustrun tc
failrerun tc if first run failed, tc would rerun until pass or larger than set value int default is 0, namely no rerun
repetition tc if first run failed, tc would rerun until larger than set value and between each rerun, a reboot would be triggered int reboot is a good way to clean the test environment. Repetition is designed for majority vote strategy.
mustrun tc even critical tc failed, tc with mustrun is True would be executed bool some environment cleanup or log copy tc should be marked as True
alwayspasses tc whatever the result is, tc would be shown as pass bool
env tc any environment setup tc should mark this tag as True bool
sleeptime tc sleep set value before execute next tc int in second
pass_bypass tc if any tc in the list passed, this tc would not be executed list[tc_name]

4. Basic Usages

Once you have all things ready(refer to section 7 for how to setup), you could launch USTAF on your platform, the following example is based on the executable built for Windows.

  1. Double Click the executable to launch USTAF: main-window
Button Behavior Comments
Group Editor Add a device group/pool Note: the pool is not defined here, it is in device configuration page instead
Refresh DUT status Not implemented yet you could refresh the device in the menu for each dut, DUT is Device Under Test, just a terminology in our biz
Load Workspace Load a configuration from file Load all the devices and scenarios configurations
Save Workspace Save a configuration to file Save all the devices and scenarios configurations
Start Listener Start the socket server listener Start socket listener server with the port specified in server configuration
Configure Server Configure some basic parameters RabbitMQ server IP & Port, Socket Port, log configuration and etc.
  1. Add your device group and add scenarios for each device you have added.

  2. Click the Start Listener Button on main window. This would enable communication with your web server framework.

  3. Click the start button for EACH device in the device window. This would enable the communication with RabbitMQ to fetch a task when it is idle. This step could be done via socket interface.

  4. The device pool is determined by [project_code]_[branch]_[test_type], thus a device could belong to multiple pools. And each pool is connected to a queue with same name[project_code]_[branch]_[test_type]. Thus when any device is idle, it would search the queue with order to fetch next task. pool.PNG

  5. The task is in JSON format and looks like below:

{"scenario_name":"Linux_PIT_Lite_Some_Test_Scenario", "task_id":"0001", 
"BuildConfig_Variable":"PIT", "Build_No_Variable":"43545",
 "TARGET.id" : "APL_TEST", "patchset": "276057", "os" : "linux", "branch":"master"}

Note that all the parameters could be customized depends on your own biz and thus you need to change the code accordingly. The default behavior is that before each case, the framework would set the (key, value) pairs as environment variables. What's more, the "scenario_name" is critical as it defines which testsuite to be triggered. A script to schedule such task to a certain queue could be:

import rabbitpy, traceback

config={"rabbitMQ_address":"", "rabbitMQ_port":"5672"}
    with rabbitpy.Connection(
            'amqp://guest:guest@{}:{}/%2F'.format(config["rabbitMQ_address"], config["rabbitMQ_port"])) as conn:
        with conn.channel() as channel:

            # modify i & q according to true info
            i =  "scenario_name":"Linux_PIT_Lite_Some_Test_Scenario", "task_id":"0001", 
                  "BuildConfig_Variable":"PIT", "Build_No_Variable":"43545",
                  "TARGET.id" : "APL_TEST", "patchset": "276057", "os" : "linux", "branch":"master"}
            queue = 'Project_PIT_OTM'

            q = rabbitpy.Queue(channel, queue)
            q.durable = True

            msg = rabbitpy.Message(channel, i)

            if msg.publish("", queue, mandatory=True):
                print 'Message: "{}" publish confirmed by RabbitMQ'.format(msg.body)
                print 'Message: "{}" publish not confirmed by RabbitMQ'.format(msg.body)
                # TODO. should resend it...
    print traceback.format_exc()

The RabbitMQ view via web UI is as below: queue-view

  1. More There are lots of features on the UI(there are corresponding interfaces as well) and you could try left click/right click/double click to explore them~ main-window-with-devices device-window run-time-logs-and-status

5. Report Definitions

The Email report looks like as below: Sample Email Report There are are some basic information in the first table whose meaning are quite clear. In the second table, there are would be some additional information regarding to the integration, testing and DUT. A typical table with detailed information is as below: Report with additional Data Definitely, you need and have to customize the definitions of this table so as to show whatever you want. In the third table, it contains the test results of each case. Some definitions in this tables are as below(you could find them in the source code as well):

NotRun =     0b00000000
TBD =        0b00000001
Fail =       0b00000010 
Pass =       0b00000100
ReRunPass =  0b00001000
ReAddPass =  0b00010000
RepeatPass = 0b00100000
Bypass =     0b01000000
AlwaysPass = 0b10000000

NORMAL =            0b000000000000000
WARM_REBOOT =       0b000000000000001
COLD_REBOOT =       0b000000000000010
REBOOT_RECOVERY =   0b000000000000100
INITIAL_REBOOT =    0b000000000001000
MANUAL_CANCEL =     0b000000000010000
ERROR =             0b000000000100000
DEPENDENCY_FAIL =   0b000000001000000
CRITICAL_FAIL =     0b000000010000000
TBD =               0b000000100000000
HANG_TO =           0b000001000000000
PASS_BYPASS =       0b000010000000000
CONNECTION_LOSS =   0b000100000000000
ENV_FAILURE =       0b001000000000000
BSOD =              0b010000000000000
ReRun =             0b100000000000000
Case Result Definitions
NotRun The case is not executed
TBD case not passed in the first time but do have rerun
Fail The case failed
Pass The case passed without any rerun
ReRunPass The case passed with rerun
ReAddPass Reserved status, not implemented
RepeatPass The case passed with fail-repetition
Bypass The case is bypassed due to pass-bypass
AlwaysPass The case is marked as always pass

Below are some events that might happen during the executions (some are reserved but not implemented).

Event Definitions
NORMAL Nothing unexpected happened
WARM_REBOOT warm reboot is triggered
COLD_REBOOT cold reboot is triggered
REBOOT_RECOVERY DUT recovered from cold reboot
INITIAL_REBOOT Framework triggered a reboot for DUT
MANUAL_CANCEL case/scenario is cancelled
ERROR Something unexpected happened
DEPENDENCY_FAIL The case's dependency cases failed
CRITICAL_FAIL The case is critical and it failed
TBD The case could be marked as pass, but this tag would appear if the case finished in very short time and has little logs
HANG_TO The DUT is hang or case timeout
PASS_BYPASS The case is bypassed as expected
CONNECTION_LOSS Unstable network
ENV_FAILURE The case is environment-setup case and it failed
BSOD Blue Screen of Death
ReRun The case was rerun

Definitely, you need and have to customize the definitions of this table so as to show whatever you want. What's more there would be one excel and log file attached in the email. In the excel there would be extra error logs parsed from the log analysis modules. In the log file, it documented the stdout/stderr for all the cases. With these two files, it would be easy for you to debug.

6. Socket Interface Definitions

As mentioned above, the framework provide several socket api for communications. The definitions are as below: Socket APIs Check List You might need to go through the code if you want to fully understand the apis.

7. Requirements and Setup

  1. You need to install the STAF and select the right Python version both on server and DUT.
  2. Add the USTAF path to the python installation folder with a .pth file.
  3. It is good to go now, just click the main.py!
  4. Alternatively you could build it as an executable for you platform.

· IBM Wiki: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-test-stafstax/ · Source: http://staf.sourceforge.net/