
X-Plane data module for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

X-Plane for Node.js

xplanejs is a Node.js module for data transfer to/from X-Plane. It currently supports reads only via UDP.


A simple example can be found in the examples/ folder. Either access the stored data directly or listen for events.

var XPlane = require('xplane')
  , xplane = new XPlane({
    port: {
      in: 49000 // default port for X-Plane UDP data
xplane.on('data.airspeed', function(speeds) {
  console.log('IAS: ' + speeds.indicated + ' kts');
// somewhere else:

To recieve data, you will need to set up X-Plane to send it. Head over to https://github.com/dmolin/flightSimPanels#architecture for instructions.


XTypes are defined in data/xtypes.js. They can be accessed on-demand from XPlane.data.[xtype.name], or by listening to the data.[xtype.name] event.

The current list of XTypes:

  • time
    • real - [s]
    • total - [s]
    • mission - [s]
    • timer - [s]
    • zulu - [hh.ss]
    • local - [hh.ss]
    • hobbs
  • airspeed
    • indicated - KIAS [kts]
    • equivalent - KEAS [kts]
    • true - KTAS [kts]
    • truegnd - KTGS [kts]
    • mph - IAS [mph]
    • mphair - [mph]
    • mphgnd - [mph]
  • gload
    • mach - Mach number [ratio]
    • vvi - VVI [fpm]
    • normal
    • axial
    • side
  • angularmoment
    • m - [ftlb]
    • l - [ftlb]
    • n - [ftlb]
  • angularvelocity
    • q - [rad/s]
    • p - [rad/s]
    • r - [rad/s]
  • attitude
    • pitch - [deg]
    • roll - [deg]
    • truehdg - [deg]
    • maghdg - [deg]
  • aoa
    • alpha - [deg]
    • beta - [deg]
    • hpath - [deg]
    • vpath - [deg]
    • slip - [deg]
  • compass
    • mag - [comp]
    • mavar - [deg]
  • globalposition
    • lat - [deg]
    • lon - [deg]
    • altmsl - [ft]
    • altagl - [ft]
    • runway - [runway no.]
    • altind - [ft]
    • latnorm
    • lonnorm
  • simposition
    • x - [m]
    • y - [m]
    • z - [m]
    • vx - [m/s]
    • vy - [m/s]
    • vz - [m/s]
    • distft - [ft]
    • distnm - [nm]
  • throttlecommand
    • [1..8]
  • throttleactual
    • [1..8]
  • enginepower
    • [1..8] - [hp]
  • enginethrust
    • [1..8]
  • enginetorque
    • [1..8]
  • enginerpm
    • [1..8]
  • proprpm
    • [1..8]
  • proppitch
    • [1..8]
  • enginewash - propwash or jetwash
    • [1..8] - [kts]
  • n1 - turbine N1 %
    • [1..8] - [%]
  • n2 - turbine N2 %
    • [1..8] - [%]
  • fuelflow
    • [1..8] - [lb/h]
  • itt
    • [1..8] - [deg]
  • egt
    • [1..8] - [deg]
  • cht
    • [1..8] - [deg]
  • oilpressure
    • [1..8] - [psi]
  • oiltemp
    • [1..8] - [deg]
  • fuelpressure
    • [1..8] - [psi]
  • aeroforce
    • lift - [lb]
    • drag - [lb]
    • side - [lb]
  • engineforce
    • normal - [lb]
    • axial - [lb]
    • side - [lb]


Would you like to contribute? Here's a couple of things the project needs a hand with:

  • Adding xType definitions to data/xtypes.js
  • Support for writing back to the sim via UDP
  • DataRef access via the official SDK


Code inspired by https://github.com/dmolin/flightSimPanels
