
using taichi to create sph simulation

Primary LanguagePython

Weakly compressed liqiud simulation

  • The code is mainly code transplanted from SPlisHSPlasH

  • The code use Taichi programming language

Current implement algorithm

  • [SESPH]
  • [PCISPH]
  • [IISPH]
  • [DFSPH]

How to run

  • First config your anaconda workspace, and open the anaconda prompt
  • Second you need install taichi language, pip install taichi
  • Last you type ti dfsph.py, that's all

Some image produced by this project

Possion disk sample(full parallel) for boundry handling


Implicit viscosity solver

Use precondition cg to solve viscosity:

Surface tension (without & with):

image image

anistropic mesh restruction :

  • marching cube

  • using anistropic kernel to build the volume field

  • render image


Other algorithm:

  • hash grid

  • cfl time step


  • M Weiler 2018: A physically consistent implicit viscosity solver for SPH fluids

  • Nadir Akinci 2013: Versatile surface tension and adhesion for SPH fluids

  • JIHUN YU 2013: Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids. Using Anisotropic Kernels.