
  • Thumbnail component

    • front-end
    • imported in different pages
    • data comes from parent
    • hearts for fav should change icon onClick
  • Nav component

    • front-end
    • imported in different pages
    • data comes from token
  • Places Page

    • front-end
    • filter working accordingly
    • filter functions optimise
  • Place Page

    • front-end
    • import Gallery
    • show data coming from dbs
    • post review
    • import images and save in dbs
    • user ability to edit and delete review
  • ReviewCard component

    • front-end
    • imported in Place pages
    • data comes from parent
  • Gallery component

  • Confirm Page

    • front-end
    • post to dbs
    • make total nights and price calculated auto
  • Sidebar component

    • front-end
    • import to other pages
  • Profile

    • front-end
    • data coming from token
    • button edit and save
    • onClick save, call patchUser
  • Bookings

    • front-end
    • fix complain about handling error
    • booking calendar not allow pass dates
    • API: user model add bookings array
  • Favorites

    • front-end
  • Host

    • front-end
  • Create

    • front-end
    • multiple file upload
  • Signup Page

    • front-end
    • functions to prevent wrong input
    • user arleady exists
    • if token exist, redirect to /places
    • avatar upload to cloud server
      • fix bug
  • Login Page

    • front-end
    • functions to prevent wrong input
    • user authentication checked with API
    • if token exist, redirect to /places
  • API: user vote star link to dbs

  • Make search bar work

  • Fix all keys in mapped components

  • Make user vote stars work

  • Make review work

  • Add modules to reuse fav()

  • Places filter room work

airbnb Routes mapping