
asteroids-like game built using jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Inspired by Asteroids (and Robin Hood)

This is an online game where users use a bow and arrow to shoot at targets and accumulate points. There are 15 targets and the player wins upon shooting all the targets. A player loses 2 points every time they are hit by a target.

Click "Start Game" to play. Click "Directions" for further directions.

Live link

Interesting Features

  • Rotating bow and arrow
  • Game adjusts to browser size
  • Key handlers allow player to press keys to move and accelerate the ship

Libraries Used

  • HTML canvas
  • jQuery
  • keymaster.js

To Do

  • Use angle (in radians) instead of a delta array for movement
  • Make impulse build on angle
  • Add Pause button
  • High score