Visualize your Markdown as mindmaps.
This project is heavily inspired by dundalek's markmap.
👉 Try it out.
👉 Read the documentation for more detail.
Common types and utility functions used by markmap packages.
Transform Markdown to data used by markmap.
Render markmap in browser.
Load markmaps automatically in HTML.
Extensible toolbar for markmap.
Use markmap in command-line.
Markmap is also available in:
- VSCode and Open VSX
- Vim / Neovim: coc-markmap - powered by coc.nvim
- Emacs: eaf-markmap -- powered by EAF
Transform Markdown to markmap data:
import { Transformer } from 'markmap-lib';
const transformer = new Transformer();
// 1. transform markdown
const { root, features } = transformer.transform(markdown);
// 2. get assets
// either get assets required by used features
const { styles, scripts } = transformer.getUsedAssets(features);
// or get all possible assets that could be used later
const { styles, scripts } = transformer.getAssets();
Now we are ready for rendering a markmap in browser.
Create an SVG element with explicit width and height:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<svg id="markmap" style="width: 800px; height: 800px"></svg>
Render a markmap to the SVG element:
// We got { root } data from transforming, and possible extraneous assets { styles, scripts }.
const { Markmap, loadCSS, loadJS } = window.markmap;
// 1. load assets
if (styles) loadCSS(styles);
if (scripts) loadJS(scripts, { getMarkmap: () => window.markmap });
// 2. create markmap
Markmap.create('#markmap', null, root);
// or pass an SVG element directly
const svgEl = document.querySelector('#markmap');
Markmap.create(svgEl, null, data);