Spring Boot application demonstrating the Kafka Idempotent Consumer pattern and Transactional Outbox pattern with Debezium (Kafka Connect) used for Change Data Capture (CDC) to publish outbound events.
This repo accompanies the article Kafka Idempotent Consumer & Transactional Outbox.
The demo steps are as follows (and detailed below):
- Start the Docker containers (Kafka, Zookeeper, Postgres, Debezium, Wiremock) via docker-compose.
- Add the wiremock behaviour for the third party service call to return a success, via curl.
- Submit the kafka connect connector definition via curl.
- Start the Spring Boot demo application.
- Start a console-consumer to listen on the outbox topic.
- Start a console-producer to submit an event to the inbound topic.
- The application consumes the event from the inbound topic and writes to the outbox table. Debezium writes an event to the outbound topic via Change Data Capture (CDC). The console-consumer consumes this event.
Demo steps breakdown:
Build Spring Boot application with Java 17:
mvn clean install
Start Docker containers:
docker-compose up -d
Add wiremock behaviour (for third party service call):
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:9002/__admin/mappings/new -H "Accept: application/json" -d @./src/test/resources/thirdparty/success.json
View added mapping:
curl -i http://localhost:9002/__admin/mappings
Check status of Kafka Connect:
curl localhost:8083
List registered connectors:
curl localhost:8083/connectors
Register connector:
curl -X POST localhost:8083/connectors -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./connector/kafka-idempotent-consumer-demo-connector.json
List registered connectors:
curl localhost:8083/connectors
Start Spring Boot application:
java -jar target/kafka-idempotent-consumer-2.0.0.jar
Jump onto Kafka docker container:
docker exec -ti kafka bash
Start console-consumer to listen for outbox event:
kafka-console-consumer \
--topic demo.kafka_demo_idempotent_consumer.outbox_event \
--bootstrap-server kafka:29092
In a second terminal window jump onto Kafka docker container again, and produce a message to the demo-idempotent-with-outbox-inbound-topic
kafka-console-producer \
--topic demo-idempotent-with-outbox-inbound-topic \
--bootstrap-server kafka:29092 \
--property parse.headers=true \
--property parse.key=true
Now enter the message to create the item. Enter the following on a single line, with TABs where indicated:
{"id": "e237ad90-272f-492a-9684-7f6c70613b02", "data": "test-data"}
N.B. the offered separator overrides were not being respected, so required to enter TAB characters.
View outbox event consumed by the console-consumer from Kafka.
Stop containers:
docker-compose down
Build and test with maven and Java 17.
Run integration tests with mvn clean test
The tests demonstrate event deduplication with the Idempotent Consumer pattern when duplicate events are consumed by the application.
The tests demonstrate event deduplication when duplicate events are consumed by the application using the Idempotent Consumer pattern, as well publishing events using the Transactional Outbox pattern with Debezium (Kafka Connect) for Change Data Capture. They use a dockerised Kafka broker, a dockerised Debezium Kafka Connect, a dockerised Postgres database, and a dockerised wiremock to represent a third party service.
This call to the third party service simulates transient errors that can be successful on retry. The delay caused by retry can cause duplicate message delivery, enabling demonstration of event deduplication.
Two instances of the service are also running in docker containers.
For more on the component tests see: https://github.com/lydtechconsulting/component-test-framework
Build Spring Boot application jar:
mvn clean install
Build Docker container:
docker build -t ct/kafka-idempotent-consumer:latest .
Run tests:
mvn test -Pcomponent
Run tests leaving containers up:
mvn test -Pcomponent -Dcontainers.stayup
Manual clean up (if left containers up):
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
The Debezium Postgres source connector configuration is defined in connector/kafka-idempotent-consumer-demo-connector.json
It includes a Single Message Transform (SMT) that routes the outbox event to the value of the destination field in the outbox event database table.
The component tests create and delete the connector via the DebeziumClient
class in the component-test-framework
Manual clean up (if left containers up):
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
Further docker clean up if network/other issues:
docker system prune
docker volume prune