
cross-platform C++ application framework with built-in reflection, serialization, styleable, leak test, minimal requirement, maximal platform support, do 80% work at 20% cost

Primary LanguageC++


ZFFramework is a cross-platform, lightweight, mid-level application framework in C++

Quick overview

this piece of code shows how to show a hello world on UI and log output

#include <ZFUIKit.h> // for UI module

ZFMAIN_ENTRY(params) // app starts from here
    // show a hello world as a text view
    zfblockedAlloc(ZFUIWindow, window);
    zfblockedAlloc(ZFUITextView, textView);
    textView->textContentSetString(zfText("hello world"));

    // show a hello world to log output
    zfLogT() << zfText("hello wolrd");

    return 0;

and here are screenshot of demo 2048 game built by ZFFramework:

ZF2048_iOS ZF2048_Android ZF2048_Qt_Windows ZF2048_Qt_MacOS ZF2048_Qt_Ubuntu


  • for the core modlue:
    • C++03 compatible compiler (require templates, no boost/RTTI/exceptions required)
    • STL containers (require: map/unordered_map/vector/deque/list), or supply custom wrapper
  • for the implementation module:
    • depends on the actual platform implementation

Main Features

  • minimum requirement

    require C++03 only, no C++11 or boost is required

  • built-in reflection, serialzation, styleable, leak test

  • "core + protocol + dynamic implementation" design

    support any platform if you are able to supply a native C++ implementation, most of implementation can be replaced easily, and implementation is required only if its owner module being used

  • easy to communicate with native code

    even to embed UI elements and native UI elements with each other

  • UI module to write cross-platform UI easily

  • built-in auto scale logic to support multiple screen size

    you have no need to write size-dependent code in both app and implementation

What we do

  • aiming to be portable and can be ported easily, aiming to be lightweighted and able to be embeded easily, aiming to use 20% code to do 80% work
  • supply Java-like / ObjectC-like app level APIs to build up small/medium sized app easily

What we won't do

  • we won't supply functional libraries such as boost, however, you may still easily use them
  • we won't supply all-in-one framework to do everything, we are more likely to be a mid-level framework

Getting started

click here to see how to setup necessary environment for ZFFramework

click here for quick tutorial


ZFFramework is under MIT license (see here), feel free to copy or modify or use it, except that you must leave this README and license files unmodified

project home page: http://ZFFramework.com

blog: http://zsaber.com

if you like my work, please consider donate:

contact master@zsaber.com (Chinese or English only) before donate, we would really appreciate for your help