

  • A set of parallel vectors, one for each kind ([T]itle,[R]ating,[D]irectors,[S]tars).
  • Each vector element is a struct{} that contains a std::string() and a *MoviePtr
  • The latter three vectors (R,D,S) have their pointers point to the movie that that string refers to.
  • The T-vector will contain structs of the same, but their pointers will point to themselves.
    • This will maintain search&print simplicity
  • Search within all vectors will be binary.
  • Upon finding a match in a binary search, a linear search will be conducted upon the indecies above and below to find other matches (if the search string is a partial sub-string).
  • Every match will result in the printing of the movie that the contained *MoviePtr points to.


  • readFile()
    • Takes initialization file as input and returns it (one line at a time).
  • addNew()
    • parseCommas()
      • Takes raw string from readFile() and parses it into category substrings by comma delimination.
    • For each category:
      • std::vector::insert()
      • setPtr() to movie