
A lightweight Flask audio service application.

Primary LanguagePython

Flask audio service

Audio service build with python and flask.

To run localy follow this steps:

  • Fill in .flaskenv file.
  • Create and setup firebase storage.
  • Download and setup elasticsearch.

Create and activate virtual environment:

    python -m venv [YOUR_ENV_NAME]

Install requirements.txt file:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Run this commands:

    flask db upgrade # Apply database migrations
    flask insert-roles # Insert user roles to database
    flask create-indx Song # Create elasticsearch index for Song model
    flask translate compile # Compile all application languages

Now you can run this application with following command:

    flask run

Application overwiev

Index page:

User profile:

Song information:

Song lyrics:

Multilanguage pages:

  • English
  • Ukrainian
  • Russian

You can find this application here(in case i didn't turn it off):


Or you can paste following link in your browser:
