
Osint-Tools on Python

Primary LanguagePython


This tool is might helpful for osint searches


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

osint.py --init

note: last command may run up for 30 minutes and may require 8 RAM and 2 CPU cores minimum


osint.py --all google.com

For updating databases use following command:

osint.py --update



dns.py gets a dns info from domain using DNS Dumpster and HackerTarget.com IP tools.

This tool constructed over dnsdmpstr


tech.py identifies technologies on websites from headers, meta, body, scripts and javascript code.

This is a custom implementation of python-Wappalyzer with new json updater and modern fixes.

Using technologies from wappalyzer


grabber.py uses Nmap -sV or Netcat for banner grabbing of all domains or subdomains.

grabber.py removed from --all

Banner grabbing performs for 21, 22, 80 and 443 ports for now.

This tool constructed over python3-nmap and netcat.py.


search.py uses Cve-Search tool for searching CVE for techs and banners.

cve-search need to be installed for use this feature. Also edit /search/config.ini and put path to your cve-search installtrion directory.


exploit.py uses exploitdb and PoC-in-GitHub repos for searching exploits for CVEs.

ExploitDB engine uses modified cve_searchsploit tool and new exploitdb repo.

GithubExploits engine uses PoC-in-GitHub repo.


docgen.py uses jinja2 to generating html with results