
JavaScript Hiccup compiler

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

   _____  _                       __ __ 
  / ___/ (_)____   ____ _ __  __ / // /_
  \__ \ / // __ \ / __ `// / / // // __/
 ___/ // // / / // /_/ // /_/ // // /_  
/____//_//_/ /_/ \__, / \__,_//_/ \__/  

      From the Latin; "a hiccup, a speech broken by sobs"

JavaScript implementation of Hiccup HTML templating library. This implementation is speed; all other concerns are secondary.

Hiccup vectors in JS are arrays of the form

["tag", {map: "of attributes"}, child1, child2, ... ]

The attribute map and children are optional. The children must be:

  • hiccup arrays
  • explodey arrays of the form [":*:", hiccup1, hiccup2, ...] that will be exploded in place (like seqs in clj hiccup)
  • strings, which will be rendered as text nodes
  • numbers, which are rendered as text nodes via .toString()
  • unify structs containing data, mapping from datum -> hiccup array, and key-fn. Singult will perform D3.js-like unification against existing DOM nodes.

Compilation occurs in two steps; first the array is converted to a canonical map representation:

{  "nsp": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
 , "tag": "tag"
 , "attr":  {"attribute", "values"}
 , "children": children }

which is then rendered to DOM elements.

Install / Use

Singult can be used from ClojureScript or JavaScript. For ClojureScript, just add

[com.keminglabs/singult "0.1.6"]

to your project.clj. If you are not using lein cljsbuild >= 0.2.1, you must add :libs ["singult"] to your ClojureScript compiler settings. Singult fully supports Google Closure's advanced compilation mode.

Singult provides some functions and a datatype.

  • render takes a hiccup array (described above) and returns a live DOM node.

  • merge! takes a live DOM node and a hiccup array, and projects the latter onto the former. That is, the live node (and its children, if any) will be given the attributes and inline styles of the node(s) described by the hiccup vector. Merging is useful compared to removing and re-rendering and appending a node and its children because it maintains object consistency, which allows you to use CSS animations and directly-attached event handlers.

  • attr takes a live DOM node and a map of keywords to attribute values. The keywords :style and :properties should be given another map, the keys and values of which will be used to set the styles and node properties. E.g.,

(attr $my-checkbox {:id "Foo"
                    :style {:background-color "red"}
                    :properties {:checked true}})
  • unify takes an array of data and a function with signature (datum -> hiccup vector) and returns a product datatype that render and merge understand. render simply runs the mapping function across all of the data and explodes the result in place. Thus
[:ol (unify (range 3) (fn [x] [:li x]))]

is, to render, the same as

  [:li 0]
  [:li 1]
  [:li 2]]

In the case of merge, elements will be added, removed, or updated on the DOM according to a key function. This key function defaults to index, but can specified as an optional argument to unify, as can custom enter, update, and exit functions. See C2 or D3.js for more on this idea.

  • node-data Takes a live DOM node created by rendering or merging of a Unify and returns the same data given to the mapping fn.

JavaScript usage

Singult can also be used by our JavaScript friends; if you're using Google Closure, just incorporate the unminified file into your build chain. There is also a minified build if you don't want to mess with any of that fanciness. The minified build adds a singult object to the global namespace with function properties:

attr($node, attr_map)   // (Side effects)
merge($node, hiccup_array) // (Side effects)

  //=> (data attached to node during Unify expansion)
Unify(data, mapping, key_fn, enter, update, exit) 
  //=> Unify instance
render($node, hiccup_array) //=> (Live DOM node)

Development / Testing

You'll need Ruby toys:

gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec guard

PhantomJS must be installed to run tests:

lein cljsbuild test

will compile and run all tests. Alternatively, open public/index.html in your favorite browser. Minimal JS API test in test/integration/js_api_test.html.

Jasmine specs in /spec will be fleshed out more if our JavaScript friends start using the library.