
Publisher is not sending 3rd layer in simulcast mode

vpoddubchak opened this issue · 0 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Deploy and run licode in docker container
  2. Modify BasicExample to use simulcast
  3. Change settings to use defaultBW=3000, maxBandwidth=10000
  4. Run it in 2 tabs and see webrtc-internals

In statistic on publisher side, we can see (see attach):
googFrameHeightInput: 480
googFrameHeightSent: 240
bitsSentPerSecond: ~1Mbit (far from maximum value, so, there is a room for more layers)

If deploy ackuaria and see on statistic of publisher's stream, we can see just 2 spatial layers (should be 3)

Screenshot from 2021-10-07 13-47-48