- 0
Video is appearing blurry and pixelated.
#1900 opened by nowjean - 1
link error: install log4cxx .thanks
#1855 opened by roderick-liu - 1
- 1
My erizo library is behind NAT, getCandidate() always fails to collect srflx and the full host address
#1876 opened by xujingzhou - 1
How do I configure or implement using the libnice(libniceconnection) library + ice-full?
#1874 opened by xujingzhou - 0
Error from dockers lynckia/licode?
#1868 opened by liqz2009 - 0
- 1
- 1
Does the code support ice-full and ice-lite now?
#1845 opened by xujingzhou - 0
I report a wrong issue. please delete it. sorry.
#1835 opened by fengmao31 - 2
Install source to docker Failed
#1828 opened by fengmao31 - 2
rtsp stream (Room) message: Error subscribing to stream
#1826 opened by fengmao31 - 1
mkv file error: Error adding External Input:-2
#1827 opened by fengmao31 - 1
ERROR: (Stream) message: Failed to get access to local media, streamId: local, label: undefined, error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getUserMedia' of undefined
#1655 opened by beijing-penguin - 4
Publish a stream from a rtsp source
#1821 opened by AndySkaura - 0
licode does not suport CSRC
#1825 opened by zhuyongchn - 1
Hack to make sure we pass candidates in libnice even when there's only mdns []
#1796 opened by ranthwar-vcx - 2
Fatal error recording in Basic Example
#1775 opened by nvazquezg - 0
Nodejs Integration
#1780 opened by NiteshKumar14 - 4
PeerConnection is not removed after unpublish
#1753 opened by vpoddubchak - 1
Screen sharing not working
#1728 opened by chesky18 - 0
getting ice error "Packet received from IP4:x.x.x.x:61408/UDP which doesn't match any known peer"
#1764 opened by peererror - 0
Publisher is not sending 3rd layer in simulcast mode
#1761 opened by vpoddubchak - 1
- 0
- 0
Video broadcast freezes on receiving end.
#1739 opened by yoyong32 - 0
build failure on apple m1 chip
#1734 opened by markqian - 1
Licode with Turn server not working
#1729 opened by chesky18 - 1
error occured when tried to compile and run basic example
#1722 opened by xtycdd - 2
sometimes ErizoJS timeout..
#1700 opened by JaewooJeong - 2
./scripts/ Fails while trying to lint
#1702 opened by jrsarath - 1
Licode support ios device??
#1686 opened by nowjean - 1 build error (Ubuntu 14.04)
#1695 opened by JaewooJeong - 1
No subscribed video in example
#1661 opened by xSirrioNx - 0
updateConfiguration() does not work for maxAudioBW
#1689 opened by vpoddubchak - 1
FEC does not work
#1639 opened by vpoddubchak - 10
camera not show
#1679 opened by Jacky-LinPeng - 0
"window is not defined" error comes from erizofc.js
#1681 opened by grokker001 - 0
Why is the DTLS 20-64 when parsing the received packet
#1672 opened by a839419160 - 1
Can not start Licode on Ubuntu 20.04
#1660 opened by xSirrioNx - 2
- 0
ICE Connection Failed on publish
#1654 opened by shahnawaz-minhas - 0
- 0
Handshake failed, transportName:video, openSSLerror: error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
#1650 opened by kingyzf - 0
Licode do not enable audio nack rr which rtcp type is RTCP_RTP_Feedback_PT, only enable the video nack rr
#1645 opened by leeliliang - 0
- 0
#1637 opened by Hoke - 3
NiceR Issue
#1618 opened by sebastianfelipe - 1
Subscribed video is not shown when running basic example of http://localhost:3001/connection_test.html
#1624 opened by jessin20161124 - 2
TokenId and roomId are undefined in Room.js when running basicExample.js
#1625 opened by life-efficient