
For refactoring

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP test

1. Installation

  • create an empty database named "phptest" on your MySQL server
  • import the dbdump.sql in the "phptest" database
  • put your MySQL server credentials in the constructor of DB class
  • you can test the demo script in your shell: "php index.php"

2. Expectations

This simple application works, but with very old-style monolithic codebase, so do anything you want with it, to make it:

  • easier to work with
  • more maintainable

3. Repository Installation

1. Clone repository to your local machine. (git@github.com:lyndonjohn/php_test.git)
2. Run `composer install` to install dependencies (optional)
3. Open terminal, `cd` to project folder and run `php index.php`

4. How to use PHP Code Sniffer

1. Open terminal, run `phpcs -s --standard=PSR12 src`
2. Blank result means all classes codes inside src directory are in accordance to PSR12 standard.
3. Run `phpcbf --standard=PSR12 src` to fix all errors.
4. Not all errors will be fixed by `phpcbf --standard=PSR12 src`, so you have to fix them manually.