Implementation of GoBI: Go Beyond Imagination: Maximizing Episodic Reachability with World Models (ICML 2023)

Primary LanguagePython

Go Beyond Imagination

Implementation of GoBI: Go Beyond Imagination: Maximizing Episodic Reachability with World Models (ICML 2023)


# Install Instructions
conda create -n gobi python=3.7
conda activate gobi 
pip install -r requirements.txt

Collect Data

. ./collect_data.sh

Train GoBI on MiniGrid

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python main.py --model gobi --env MiniGrid-MultiRoom-N7-S8-v0 --intrinsic_reward_coef=0.01 --total_frames 8000000 --simu_step 1 --intrinsic_decay 0.0000006

This codebase is built on NovelD.