
multithreaded replacement for i3status

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

mi3stat: multithreaded replacement for 'i3status'

(C) 2014 by lynix lynix47@gmail.com

Build Status


mi3stat is a multithreaded drop-in replacement for 'i3status', a neat tool generating status information for minimalistic status bars like i3bar, dzen2, xmobar, etc.

I wrote mi3stat because of i3status' lack of a memory gauge, and because I was looking for a small coding project to keep up C skills.


The NVIDIA module requires the nvidia-settings binary in /usr/bin in order to read GPU temperatures. If support for the Aquaero 5 is enabled (make enable_aq5=1), a copy of aerotools-ng is required (see https://github.com/lynix/aerotools-ng).


mi3stat supports JSON or plaintext output mode, the latter chosen by -t as command line argument. A configuration file can be specified using the -c argument, by default mi3stat will look for ~/.mi3stat.conf. See the following section for an example configuration file.


The configuration file is an ini-styled plain text file holding en enumeration of the modules to be loaded and several options. An example that shows all available modules and their options is shown below. The option interval is optional and defaults to 1 second.

interval = 1

type     = cpu_usage
prefix   = CPU: 

type     = cpu_temp
interval = 3
sensor   = /sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/temp3_input

type     = mem_usage
prefix   = MEM: 
interval = 5

type     = nvidia_temp
prefix   = GPU: 
interval = 7

type     = aquaero5_temp
prefix   = WATER: 
interval = 5

type     = disk_free
prefix   = HOME: 
interval = 61
path     = /home

type     = disk_free
prefix   = ARCH: 
interval = 31
pata     = /mnt/archive

type     = net_rates
prefix   = ETH: 
device   = eth0

type     = clock
interval = 9
format   = %a %d. %b  %H:%M


Feel free to report suggestions for improvements or any bugs you find using the issues function on GitHub.


This program is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. See the file 'LICENSE' for more information.