Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth.
Pinned issues
- 1
Rails 8 support
#1636 opened by HLFH - 2
- 2
- 6
Unsafe redirect on signup [Rails 7.0]
#1536 opened by urbanrotnik - 0
Unable to destroy HttpOnly cookie when token expired in cookie_enabled mode
#1631 opened by justindoran - 2
Your application has sessions disabled. To write to the session you must first configure a session store
#1616 opened by Hammam94 - 0
Anonymous Login Feature Request
#1630 opened by hendrixgotcodes - 0
dta_find_by on wrong model with set_user_by_token
#1629 opened by stimlocy - 2
- 4
- 1
Question about security.
#1615 opened by ApoloIslaio - 1
Different rails versions supported
#1622 opened by owalmirneto - 37
Support Rails 7.1
#1608 opened by cprodhomme - 0
- 1
Refactoring : Confirmations controller - useless `if redirect_url` condition
#1611 opened by newfylox - 0
Lockable does not work as expected
#1610 opened by CodeTectonics - 6
- 0
Sponsored issue: token authentication
#1609 opened by rockcoolsaint - 2
- 1
Update docs for devise install
#1579 opened by cenotaph - 0
- 0
question: Is the description of Methods correct?
#1604 opened by kotaesaki - 0
Add created_at attribute to each token
#1603 opened by nicholas-nicolau - 1
keep getting a 401 on overriden create devise
#1598 opened by jay754 - 0
- 0
Why BCrypt?
#1595 opened by diogob - 2
with version 1.2.0 @data is not passed to the omniauth_external_window.html.erb
#1591 opened by yortz - 0
Method sign_in called with incorrect paramenters
#1585 opened by lazaronixon - 4
Access-token was not set in header for some new session.
#1575 opened by onemo38 - 5
React on Rails with Devise Token Auth
#1531 opened by danilomartinelli - 0
React Hook for Token Auth
#1566 opened by joynerd - 0
Gitbook page missing
#1573 opened by wmlutz - 2
Release latest version, there are too many fixes in the master waiting to be released
#1560 opened by ziaulrehman40 - 4
- 0
undefined method `tokens' for <class instance>
#1565 opened by chhlga - 0
User-based `token_lifespan` instead
#1562 opened by gustiando - 0
- 0
Default URL params confirmation_instructions.html.erb conflicts with ones permitted in DeviseTokenAuth::ConfirmationsController
#1558 opened by BirkhoffLee - 0
Token should not be created if a user already has a token. Following is the create method of DeviseTokenAuth
#1556 opened by muhammadans414414 - 14
Rails 7 support?
#1533 opened by jeygeethan - 0
- 0
- 2
Rails 7 support
#1552 opened by samh0lmes - 2
Not working with any version of Rails 6 and 7
#1551 opened by tariqhussain07 - 0
DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::User overrides default ActiveModel dirty behavior
#1546 opened by andrewastrachan - 0
- 2
validate_token changes/encrypts cookie
#1537 opened by mdodell - 0
`config.cookie_attributes.expires` is problematic
#1541 opened by theblang - 1
undefined local variable or method `cookies' for #<Api::MesController:0x00007f93aa1cb9f8>
#1538 opened by dim0627 - 0
Custom error message doesn't reach the front end
#1535 opened by FlandersBurger