
An Ember.js addon that wraps the Trix editor in a component

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ember Trix Editor is an Ember addon that wraps Basecamp's Trix editor in an Ember component. Visit our demo to see it in action. (Code for our demo is located in tests/dummy/app.)

To use this component in your own Ember project, enter this command: ember install ember-trix-editor.

The component is consistent with Ember's data-down actions-up pattern:

"Data down" to {{trix-editor}}

  • attachmentsDisabled (boolean; if truthy, calls preventDefault() on the trix-file-accept event)
  • autofocus (boolean; if truthy, adds the HTML autofocus attribute to the trix-editor tag)
  • editorClass (string; space-separated list of class names that will be passed to the class attribute of the trix-editor tag)
  • placeholder (string; text that will show up in the editor when it's empty)
  • value (string; text to pre-populate the trix-editor)

"Actions up" from {{trix-editor}}

  • trix-attachment-add
  • trix-attachment-remove
  • trix-blur
  • trix-change
  • trix-file-accept
  • trix-focus
  • trix-initialize
  • trix-selection-change

All actions send up a jQuery event, from which the original event and editor property can be extracted.

actions: {
  handleTrixAttachmentAdd(jqEvent) {
    var attachment = jqEvent.originalEvent.attachment;
    if (attachment.file) {
      // update file to server
      // call attachment.setAttributes();

Contributing to Trix

This is the first time Channing Allen and Lynne Tye have contributed to an open-source project! We welcome others to send bug reports, make pull requests, or give us feedback.

Special thanks to Courtland Allen for his help.


  • git clone this repo
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.