
Tools for signing messages & transactions with a BTChip HW.1 or Ledger Wallet.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a collection of scripts used for signing messages and transactions with the BTChip HW.1 and Ledger Wallets (available on https://www.ledgerwallet.com)

This is very much a work in progress, and many things will change.


Usually, you can set this module up just by executing python setup.py develop.

Unfortunately, on OS X, you might see issues installing cython-hidapi. (hid.c does not exist). If so, run sudo ./setup.sh, which will install from source.


See the sections below for usage. If your dongle is already set up, all you need is the xpub/tpub to get started with Coinkite, which you can get with the utils/getKey.py script. See below for an example.

Once you are set up, see the "Co-Signing" section below.

Setting up a new dongle

Fresh out of the box, the chip just needs to be loaded with a seed. If it already has one, run python utils/resetChip.py.

# Add --testnet to build a testnet key. They can only operate on one network at a time.
python utils/setupMnemonic.py

You can back up the mnemonic however you like. If you want to restore, run python utils/restoreFromMnemonic.py. The restore script also accepts the --testnet flag.

To generate an xpub/tpub for use with services like Coinkite:

# BIP32 roots are using the BIP44 standard, but they could be anything
# Mainnet
python utils/getKey.py m/44h/0h/0h
# Testnet
python utils/getKey.py m/44h/1h/0h

Co-signing a Coinkite request (API)

Coinkite now allows signing via their API. It is generally faster and easier to use but takes a bit of setup.

To sign via the API, generate an API key with the co-sign and read permissions, and fill out settings.py with your API key (see settings.py.example).

To sign via the API you just need the CK ref num, for example A32A0845AD-1B6D51:

# If the CK Ref Num is not provided, the script will prompt for it.
python signTxCoinkiteAPI.py -c <CK Ref Num>

On your first sign, you will have to enter the reference ID for your user account. You can copy/paste it from the list of co-signers attached to the transaction. You can then paste it into your settings.py so you won't get prompted again.

Co-signing a Coinkite request (JSON/Browser)

If you don't want to fool around with API keys, simply download the signing JSON (click advanced on the co-signing page).

python signTxCoinkiteJSON.py <JSON Path>

This will generate a JSON file in this folder that you can upload back to Coinkite.

Notes on BIP32 paths

There are two competing formats for BIP32 paths. These are equivalent and both are accepted as parameters:


The h or ' means it's a hardened key. For more on that, see the BIP32 Spec.

Notes on xpub/xpriv

You can use getKey.py to generate pubkeys and addresses at different depths.

For the sake of demonstration we're using the path m/44h/1h/0h, which is the bip0044 path for account 0 on testnet. Say, we want to get the xpub to send to an external service like coinkite.

To get the pubkey and address at this path, call getKey.py:

> python getKey.py m/44h/1h/0h

Path: 44'/1'/0'
Full Public Key: 04ce5709455899ac0593910721431224dfeb628c1f6f889baf1463d22289e3e111d075426080db7db46fa850b33a1b6b3e988e66d51b8899557d5d66eaaab28f62
Public Key: 02ce5709455899ac0593910721431224dfeb628c1f6f889baf1463d22289e3e111
Address: 1C1osyRQEJr6gZ6ynxp9nLLGe6DccZ8pRK
xpub: xpub6DLDS6aRe3ZwHAEwTHBXptdKGCi14kuXggBLgb3rVnSFphA2FCMFBKUpPPkYU54AphijBJ1FWjfjKj6g7YU4pR1WhvtykMQwYDs8Se2SUQ5
tpub: tpubDMr6xR7WkFfom4whA8aygMBgxiCH7d4dsRSGqg7qAtKPA6A9JKbPHvmycsU2aaXL2A6sQq4wSQhC5Par5DsSxDGv8oGcqBWtU2LykdpPtuv

Bip32gen (part of bip32utils) is really useful for doing calculations on the keys, such as generating xprv/xpub at different trees.

For testing purposes, to get xprv, given a seed:

echo 1762F9A3007DBC825D0DD9958B04880284C88A10C57CF569BB3DADF7B1027F2D | bip32gen -i entropy -o xpub,addr,pubkey,xprv -v -f - -F - -x -X m/44h/1h/0h -n 256

To get tprv from xprv (ku comes from pycoin):

ku xprv9zLs2b3Xog1e4gAUMFeXTkgaiAsWfJBgKTFjtCeEwSuGwtpshf2zdXALY7bFSaNNXGJRA98Xw9gaLtBMsDpSJDLDBomheqNqKtLyPga2uMG --override-network XTN