
bert sentiment analysis tensorflow serving with RESTful API

Primary LanguagePython

bert_sa (bert sentiment analysis tensorflow serving with RESTful API)

based on bert including training, online predicting and serving with REST

Fine tune a sentiment analysis model based on BERT

  1. Add a SAProcessor and include it within main function in run_classifier.py
  2. Prepare train, dev and test files; adapat _create_examples method in SAProcessor based on your own datasets (pandas may not be required)
  3. Specify BERT_BASE_DIR, SA_DIR and output_dir in run_sa.sh and run


  1. For file based test, change output_predict_file in run_classifier.py, specify TRAINED_CLASSIFIER and output_dir path, run predict_sa.sh
  2. For online prediction, refer to run_classifier_predict_online (modified based on bert_language_understanding)

Export your model

Refer to sa_predict_saved_model.py

KIND NOTICE: some graph definition and input placeholder is imported from run_classifier_predict_online.py

Serve the model with TensorFlow Serving

  1. See TensorFlow Serving for details about installing docker and pulling a serving image
  2. Running a serving image
docker run -p 8501:8501 --name 'bert_sa_serving' --mount type=bind,source=/data/notebooks/xff/bert/output/sa_output/saved_model,target=/models/bert_sa -e MODEL_NAME=bert_sa -t tensorflow/serving:latest-devel-gpu &

docker exec -it bert_sa_serving bash

tensorflow_model_server --port=8500 --rest_api_port=8501 \
  --model_name=bert_sa --model_base_path=/models/bert_sa
  1. Sample request
# preprocess is defined in run_classifier_predict_online.py
dict_data = preprocess(line)
resp = requests.post('', json=dict_data)

Results look like this: {'outputs': {'label_predict': 1, 'possibility': [0.00738544, 0.992615]}}