
Fit a chess Win-Draw-Loss model from played games

Primary LanguagePython

Generate SF WDL model based on data


  • Place PGN files in pgns/

  • Map the repo directory to a volume attached to a python Docker container

docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,src=.,dst=/home/docker -w /home/docker python:3.11-slim bash
  • Once inside:

Stockfish's "centipawn" evaluation is decoupled from the classical value of a pawn, and is calibrated such that an advantage of "100 centipawns" means the engine has a 50% probability to win from this position in selfplay at move 32 at fishtest LTC time control.
If the option UCI_ShowWDL is enabled, the engine will show Win-Draw-Loss probabilities alongside its "centipawn" evaluation. These probabilities depend on the engine's evaluation and the move number, and are computed from a WDL model that can be generated from fishtest data with the help of the scripts in this repository.


pip install -r requirements.txt


To update Stockfish's internal WDL model, the following steps are needed:

  1. Obtain a large collection of engine-vs-engine games (at fishtest LTC time control) in pgn format and save the pgn files in the pgns folder. This can, for example, be achieved by running python download_fishtest_pgns.py once a day.

  2. Use make to compile scoreWDLstat.cpp, which will produce an executable named scoreWDLstat.

  3. Run scoreWDLstat -r to parse the pgn files in the pgns folder. A different directory can be specified with scoreWDLstat --dir <path-to-dir>. The computed WDL statistics will be stored in a file called scoreWDLstat.json. The file will have entries of the form "('D', 1, 78, 35)": 668132, meaning this tuple for (outcome, move, material, eval) was seen a total of 668132 times in the processed pgn files.

  4. Run python scoreWDL.py to compute the WDL model parameters from the data stored in scoreWDLstat.json. The script needs as input the value --NormalizeToPawnValue from within Stockfish's uci.h, to be able to correctly convert the centipawn values from the pgn files to the unit internally used by the engine. The script will output the new values for NormalizeToPawnValue in uci.h and as[], bs[] in uci.cpp. See e.g. official-stockfish/Stockfish#4373


Fitting options

  • python scoreWDL.py --yDataTarget 30 : choose move 30 (rather than 32) as target move for the 100cp anchor
  • python scoreWDL.py --yData material --yDataTarget 68 : base fitting on material (rather than move), with 100cp anchor a material count of 68

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