Coq formalization of the verification of Relational Properties

This repository contains a Coq formalization and proof of soundness for :

  • recursive Hoare triple verification with a verification condition generator on a simple language with procedures and aliasing;
  • a method for verifying relational properties using a verification condition generator, without relying on code transformation (such as self-composition) or making additional separation hypotheses in case of aliasing;

This project was developed and tested with Coq version 8.13.0. To run the whole proof, run


Then, to observe the proof step-by-step for some file, run

coqide <filename.v>

for example, coqide Hoare_Triple.v

The project structure

  • Loc.v: definition of locations.
  • Sigma.v: definition of memory state.
  • Proc.v: definition of procedure names.
  • Aexp.v: definition of arithmetic expressions.
  • Bexp.v: definition of boolean expressions.
  • Com.v: definition of commands and proof of useful property.
  • Inliner.v: definintion of inliner for procedures and proof of useful property.
  • Hoare_Triple.v: definintion of Hoare Triples and proof of useful property.
  • Vcg.v and Vcg_Opt.v: definition of respectively a naive verification condition genrator and a optimized version and proof of useful property.
  • Correct.v: proof that Hoare Triples can be verified using verification condition generator.
  • Rela.v: definition of relational properties and proof of useful property.
  • Vcg_Rela.v: definition of a verification condition generator for Relational Properties using the verification condition generator define in Vcg.v and proof of useful property.
  • Correct_Rela.v: proofs that Relational Properties can be verified using verification condition generator.
  • Examples.v: some examples.