
HMap(Happy Map) 是一个并发安全的支持泛型的Map实现,旨在提供简单易用的 API,支持泛型键值对,同时添加了对Map长度的查询以及清空Map的方法。

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

HMap - Safe For Concurrent Generic Map

English 中文

HMap is a safe for concurrent generic map implementation in Go that provides a simple and efficient API. It supports generic key-value pairs and includes methods for querying the length of the map as well as clearing the entire map.


  • Generic Support: Utilizes Go's generic features for flexibility with different types of key-value pairs.
  • Length Querying: Easily determine the length of the map using the Len method.
  • Clear Map: Clear the entire map using the Clean method.

Go Version

>= 1.20

Quick Start

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a new HMap instance
	myMap := hmap.New[int, string]()

	// Store key-value pairs
	myMap.Store(1, "One")
	myMap.Store(2, "Two")

	// Query the length of the map
	length := myMap.Len()
	fmt.Printf("Map Length: %d\n", length)

	// Clear the map

	// Query the length of the map after cleaning
	length = myMap.Len()
	fmt.Printf("Map Length after Clean: %d\n", length)


New() *Map[K, V]

Creates a new instance of the HMap.

Len() int

Gets the length of the map.

Load(key K) (V, bool)

Loads the value associated with the specified key.

Swap(k K, v V) (V, bool)

Swaps the value associated with the specified key and returns the previous value. If the key does not exist, the length is incremented.

Store(k K, v V)

Stores the key-value pair. If the key already exists, its value is updated.

LoadOrStore(k K, v V) (V, bool)

Loads the value for the specified key. If the key does not exist, the given value is stored, and the length is incremented.

Delete(k K)

Deletes the value associated with the specified key. If the key exists, the length is decremented.

LoadAndDelete(k K) (V, bool)

Loads and deletes the value associated with the specified key. If the key exists, the length is decremented.

Range(fn func(k any, v any) bool)

Iterates over the map, applying a given function to each key-value pair.


Clears the entire map.

CompareAndSwap(key K, old, new V) bool

Compares and swaps the value associated with the specified key. Returns true if the swap is successful.

CompareAndDelete(key K, old V) bool

Compares and deletes the value associated with the specified key, given the old value. Returns true if the delete is successful. If successful, the length is decremented.


This project is distributed under the MIT License.


Thanks to all contributors to this project.


Thank you for using HMap! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out.