
A lightweight blog for Denver.rb's beginner's track

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Denver.rb - Beginner's Track

This is a small blog for notes and links from Beginner's Track talks.

Creating a new post

Fork the repo - hit the fork button in the upper right

Clone it to your system

run $ gem install jekyll from the command line. Jekyll lets you see your post.

From the command line, run

$ rake post["Title of the Post"]

This creates a new markdown formatted post under beginners-track/_posts with the correct Yaml header.

The formatting style is github markdown. Here is a cheat sheet on how to use it. https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown

Make sure to give yourself credit on the post and to include whatever links you want for people to get in touch.

If you run $ jekyll serve --watch you will be able to see your post at 'localhost:4000'. The --watch will have jekyll keep an eye on changes update the server.

Write your post!

Make a Pull Request

Save changes to post and push to master on your fork.

Make a pull request to the master on rubybeginnerstrack/rubybeginnerstrack. When you're ready, email jeffrey@matthias.org and let him know that there is a PR waiting.