
Material-UI sample using ES6 & jspm

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Material-UI sample using ES6 & jspm.

This is basically a re-write of the Material-UI example projects as ES6 and uses jspm as the browser package manager / transpiler. The sample is hosted by Browsersync.

How to use

# Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/lyphtec/material-ui-es6-sample

# cd into it
cd material-ui-es6-sample

# install necessary npm & jspm packages
npm install
jspm install

# make sure that we are using react@0.13.3 (as it seems that the react-tap-event-plugin module tries to also install react@0.12.2 :(
jspm resolve --only npm:react@0.13.3
jspm clean

# start browser-sync (this will serve up the site in 'src' & starts up the default browser)
npm start

As an alternative to using Browsersync, if you are not interested in live browser reloads when there are source file changes, you can use a lightweight http server like serve:

# install serve globally
npm install -g serve

# start up serve
cd src

# you can now access the sample site at http://localhost:3000