
🍵 A mini e-commerce app to buy drinks, made with React Native (TS), powered by GraphCMS & Zustand

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sencha Teahouse

This project is created with the template as such

npx react-native init --template react-native-template-typscript

This app intends to be a shopping app for buying tea and sweets from Sencha Teahouse.

It explores the use of:

  • GraphCMS
  • Zustand for state management
  • Adding Expo-Cli to a bare RN project
    • the code with expo modules are in the branch /add-expo
    • basically this is so that I can upload a snack every iteration for sharing with others.
  • Async Storage for locally stored items (TODO)
  • Supertokens for Auth (TODO, pending RN SDK to be up)
  • Some animation library (TODO)

This app is created for some of my exercise submissions for Centauri React Cohort.


  • v01
    • Retrieve products data from GraphCMS and render them on home page
  • v02
    • Added checkout button with badge that shows number of items in cart
    • Added checkout page to show total price & all items in cart
    • Added listfootercomponent to show end of list