
A full windowing 'operating system' for ComputerCraft.

MIT LicenseMIT

LyqydOS -- A windowing operating system for ComputerCraft.

To install, place these files in /rom/apis or load them as APIs in

	* compositor
	* framebuffer
	* menu
	* process
	* window

To start the operating system, run procman.  Once procman is running,
you may use the start program from within it to start other programs.

Planned features:
	* Resuming startup from immediately after procman runs, allowing for
	programs to be started within the process manager at startup.
	* Finishing of terminal redirect stack for better monitor support.
	* Multi-monitor support, to allow windows to be sent to attached
	* Finishing process API to expose current window handle to running
	processes, allowing them to set custom size or window caption, etc.