
Sample code for integrating payment gateway in Python Flask environment using embedded payment fields..

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Flask - Embedded form example

Implementation of Lyra Embedded Form using Flask(Python)

Cloud Deployment

  • Create an Heroku account
  • Deploy using the Heroku CLI
    • heroku create
    • git push heroku master
    • heroku open
  • Alternatively you can easily deploy using this button:


Local Installation

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/lyra/flask-embedded-form-examples
  2. By default, the new versions of Python come with pip, however run pip3 help to check if it is installed. If there is an error, follow the commands below:

    # Windows
    curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
    python get-pip.py
    pip help
    # Unix
    curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py
    python3 get-pip.py
    pip help
  3. Run the following comands to install the project dependencies:

    cd flask-embedded-form-examples
    # run to create the python virtual environment
    python -m venv .venv
    # run to activate the python virtual environment
    source ./.venv/bin/activate # for unix/linux
    .\.venv\Scripts\activate # for windows
    source ./.venv/Scripts/activate # if you are using git bash on windows
    # install all dependencies to run the example
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the app

All the necesary environment variables to run the backend application, are on the Merchant Back Office.

Login to the merchant Back Office, go to Configuration > Store then choose the shop you want, then go to REST API keys tab and there you will find both production and test keys.

You will find the values for shop_id, test_password, prod_password and rest_server_api_url at the first section named REST API keys.

At the second section named Keys for the JavaScript client and the mobile SDK, you will find the values for test_public_key and prod_public_key.

At the third section named REST API: keys used to calculate / check the kr-hash field, you will find the values test_hmac_sha_256_key and prod_hmac_sha_256_key.

Local deployment

Create a new file with the name .env, copy and paste the same information that there is in the .env.example file.

Also, at the .env file, theres a retry field, which is the number of attempts of a transaction can fail. It can be set to a max value of 3 attempts per transaction.

To run the example, change the values with a change_me on the .env file with the values of your shop.

Open your terminal on the project and run the command python wsgi.py to run the flask project. By default it will run on, go to your browser and open the project URL, you can now use the example.


Each source file included in this distribution is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL 3.0). Please see LICENSE.txt for the full text of the GPL 3.0 license. It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.