Low Hamming factoring

C++ and GMP bignum library

make weight ./weight.o

New optimization: 2048 with hamming = 20 and high key ocurrence (>1/10) in 5 GPU minutes.

Benchmarks for log2(n)= 2048 (OLD)

Brute-force security = 115 bits

log2(p) = 1024 Hamming(p) = 16 Poisson = 1/64 Key ocurrence: High (1/10 ?)

Block_size = 100, scope = 3, max_weight = 3. Runtime: 2^16, 98 seconds (26 minutes GPU)

Brute-force security = 138 bits

log2(p) = 1024 Hamming(p) = 20 Poisson = 1/52 Key ocurrence: 1/10 (?)

Block_size = 70, scope = 4, max_weight = 3. Runtime: 2^29, 45 seconds (68 days GPU)

Benchmarks for log2(n)= 4096

Brute-force security = 88 bits

log2(p) = 2048 Hamming(p) = 10 Poisson = 1/205 Key ocurrence: Medium (25% ?)

Block_size = 205, scope = 6, max_weight = 2. Runtime: 2^24, 36 seconds (1 day GPU)

Brute-force security = 124 bits

log2(p) = 2048 Hamming(p) = 15 Poisson: 1/136 Key occurrence: Rare (1/150?)

Block_size = 200, scope = 6, max_weight = 2 Runtime: 2^26, 40 seconds (7 days GPU)

Idea: Use Gröebner basis.

Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Hidden Field Equation (HFE) Cryptosystems Using Grobner Bases (Joux)

Using Algebraic Geometry (Cox)


Cryptanalysis of the RSA Subgroup Assumption from TCC 2005

Good example.

Factoring Unbalanced Moduli with Known Bits

ICISC 2009, Eric Brier, David Naccache, Mehdi Tibouchi

LLL method. Unbalanced n = pq > q^3. Factorize when (i) 2log(q) contiguous bits of p are known, (ii) two chunks of known bits of p totaling 1.5 log(q) bits.

Implicit Factoring: On Polynomial Time Factoring Given Only an Implicit Hint

PKC 2009, Alexander May, Maike Ritzenhofen

Good introduction. Not necessarily balanced N=pq, factorize with access to an oracle that outputs N'=p'q' such that p,p' share the t LSBs. We have t >= k/(k-1) alpha where k queries have been made, and the outputs are k moduli N_1, ... , N_k, each with log(q_i) = alpha. TODO: Lattice reduction of section 3.

Further Results on Implicit Factoring in Polynomial Time

2009 Advances in Mathematics of Communications

Extension of May et al PKC 2009. Same problem, improved results.

Factoring RSA moduli with weak prime factors


A prime p is called weak if there exist parameters a, u_0, u_1, ... , u_k, M_1, ... , M_k such that ap = u_0 + u_1M_1 + ... + u_kM_k. This may yield our results: a = 1, u_0 = 1, u_i = 1, M_i = 2^i for some index i\in I. TODO: Check bounds on parameters. Does not cover the case "HD(p,q) small".

Factoring RSA Modulus Using Prime Reconstruction from Random Known Bits

AFRICACRYPT 2010, Miatra, Sarkar, Sen Gupta

N = pq balanced, when some random subset of the bits are known in the LSB halves. And give directions for MSB.

On Factoring Arbitrary Integers with Known Bits

2007 Workshop "Kryptologie in Theorie und Praxis"

TODO: "Rivest and Shamir [RS86] showed in 1985, that for an RSA-modulus N = pq an amount of 1/3 log N of the bits of p is sufficient to factor N. This result was improved by Coppersmith [Cop96] in 1996 to 3/10 log N bits, and in 1997 again by Coppersmith [Cop97] to 1/4 log N bits. In 1999, Boneh, Durfee and Howgrave-Graham [BDHG99] generalized the Coppersmith result to moduli of the form N=p^k q. They showed that k/(k+1)^2 log N bits are sufficient to find the factorization of N in polynomial time. One should notice that this result coincides with the one of Coppersmith for the RSA case, where k = 1."

Factoring RSA Moduli. Part I.



Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem

1999 Dan Boneh

Nice reading. Theorem 10: (Coppersmith) Given the log(n)/4 LBSs or the log(n)/4 MSBs of p, one can factorize RSA moduli (note that this is RSA, not factoring, i.e. it uses ed=1 mod phi(n)).

A Coding-Theoretic Approach to Recovering Noisy RSA Keys

Asiacrypt 2012

Cold boot attacks, when a key is recovered but allowing error in some bits. I.e. recover N=pq from N=(p+e)(q+e') where e,e' are of small Hamming weight. In the introduction they describe a very similar algorithm to ours (Correcting Errors in RSA Private Keys, see below)

Correcting Errors in RSA Private Keys

Crypto 2010

TODO. The low Hamming hypothesis reduces to this (where the case that the recovered "noisy" key is p=0, and we want to "correct" h bits)...

Using LLL-Reduction for Solving RSA and Factorization Problems: A Survey

Alexander May, chapter of the book The LLL Algorithm: Survey and Applications

Nice read. TODO.