Novel Idea is my invidual project at Hackbright, made in 4.5 weeks. Novel Idea will recommend books to users based on books they rate and genres they favorite. Book data is scraped from Goodreads book lists using Scrapy. Book reviews are analyzed using a sentiment analyzer built with Python and Sci-kit Learn.
Frontend: HTML, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap
Backend: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Scrapy, Sci-kit Learn
Register for an account, log in.
View all books
Search for a book by title
View an individual book's page, rate it.
View books you have rated.
Favorite genres or delete favorited genres.
Get a list of recommendations.
See words indicative of review polarity on Goodreads
- PostgreSQL
- Python 2.7
To have this app running on your local computer, please follow the below steps:
Clone repository:
$ git clone
Create a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv env
Activate the virtual environment:
$ source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the server:
$ python