
Bounds checking and other validation for Protocol Buffers in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

protov — JSON Schema validation for Protocol Buffers

ProtoV is a validation format for Protocol Buffers. It validates against options specified in .protos files in a JSON schema-like format. This repository contains a Python implementation.

Usage example

syntax = "proto3";
import "schema/annotations.proto";

message Animal {
    string name = 1 [(v.schema).min_length = 3];
>>> from animals_pb2 import Animal
>>> from protov import MessageValidator
>>> validator = MessageValidator(Animal)
>>> x = Animal(name='x')
>>> validator.validate(x)
protov.exceptions.ValidationError: 'x' is too short (at 'name')


  1. Testing!
  2. Validations on map<key_type, value_type> can not validate the value_type if it is scalar. This should be added at some point. The number of properties in the map can be validated using min_items and max_items.
  3. Related to the point above, Value, StringValue and other existing message types can not yet be validated. This should be implemented through the message validation, which contains a sub-schema for a message type.

    e.g. google.protobuf.FloatValue score = 123 [(v.schema).message = {value: {minimum: 0, maximum: 1}}];

  4. min_properties and max_properties validations do not work. Use min_items and max_items for now.
  5. The validator silently ignores errors in the schema, e.g. using a string validation on an integer or vice-versa. These should raise a ValueError when initializing the validator.
  6. Other validations that need to be supported: unique_items, format.
  7. Generating a JSON schema from the schema definition.
  8. MethodValidator — like MessageValidator but for request messages for rpc calls.
  9. _validator.* calls should return functions and be executed ahead of times for better speed.