DNA web app for viewing msporny's genome.

Primary LanguagePython

All files in this repository released under Creative Commons share-alike license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/

Set up couchdb. (on ubuntu, apt-get install couchdb)
Install python couchdb module (easy_install couchdb)

Do a git checkout of msporny's genome

Edit dna/ManuSporny-genome.txt
    Delete all comments down to header line:
    # "#rsid	chromosome	position	genotype"
    # then remove hash symbol
Save dna/ManuSporny-genome.txt as dna/ManuSporny-genome.csv

Edit load_genome.ini to reflect your setup. If you have set up couchdb running on localhost in "admin party" mode (i.e. you have set no admins) then load_genome.ini should be fine the way it is.

Run load_genome.py like so:
    ./load_genome.py -f /path/to/csvfile -n databasename

The script automatically installs a test view for you to play with.

Have fun!

Doug Shawhan