
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Small Go programs drawing cool stuff


Unusual way of drawing Sierpinski triangles.

Based on a probabilistic method, described by a Numberphile video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKtFN71Lfs

Drawing with dots was convenient, since Go's standard library does't come with methods to draw lines or shapes.

I could also use a Pascal triangle, or the rule 60 elementary celular automation: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Rule60.html


Talking about drawing a line between points A and B: that's super interesting


Basic black and white Mandelbrot set tracing. Did you know Go had built-in support for complex numbers?

Specify the complex plane region to draw from: ./mandelbrot -x1 -0.25 -x2 0.04 -y1 -1 -y2 -0.85


Not really drawing but sort of manipulating images You can hide a text inside an image. Works for BMP, not sure about other formats.

Encode: ./stegano in.bmp out.bmp '"Text to hide"'

Decode: ./stegano out.bmp

Note: if you consider using Lenna as the support picture for this steganography example as sexist, please feel free to use any other picture such as a man, an animal or an object like a car or a landscape. Be sure to use the BMP (Bitmap) format though.
