
A simple OLX / AllegroLokalnie scrapper

Primary LanguagePython

A simple scrapper for your extraordinary wishes

This scrapper will check for wished items to appear at OLX and AllegroLokalnie marketplaces and will notify you via Telegram.


  • Docker
  • [Optional] Makefile support (Windows machine probably won't do, so be ready to execute commands manually)
  • Python3.10.X
  • Pipenv


  1. Create and fill in .env file in project root like so:
BOT_ADMINS="0, 1, 2"
SEARCH_LIST="extra large coffee cup, chinese tea"
  • BOT_ADMINS - a comma-separated list of Telegram IDs of users who should be notified.
  • SEARCH_LIST - a comma-separated list of your wishes.
  • BOT_TOKEN - a Telegram bot token obtained from BotFather.
  1. Run the project:

Execute make run in project root.