
A Telegram bot that can get images at yande.re and post them to your channel

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Content poster is an easy to setup, fully functional Telegram bot that can find and post content to your channel built with aiogram.


  • Install latest python3 and its dependencies
  • Download and unzip the project
  • Install project packages via pip (pip3 intall -r requirements.txt)
  • Configure bot by editing data.json file


Configuration is made via editing data.json file. You have already downloaded an example configuration, here's a description of each parameter

Service part

  • integer page - Last used yande.re page, not recommended to edit (defaults to 4000)
  • string token - Bot token obtained from @BotFather
  • string timezone - Your pytz timezone (defaults to "UTC")
  • bool log_fills - Whether to log post fillings or not (defaults to true)
  • string chat - Chat ID where the bot will send posts
  • bool disable_config_check - If you're risky enough you can disable configuration file validation passing true to this parameter (defaults to false)

Posting part

  • string ratings - List of post ratings to use: explicit, questionable, safe, * (defaults to "*")
  • list post_time - List of times when posts will be sent to your channel (defaults to ["8:00", "12:00", "16:00", "20:00"])
  • string parse_mode - Mode of parsing entities in captions can be HTML, Markdown or MarkdownV2 (defaults to null)
  • string caption - Photo caption, parse_mode will be applied (defaults to null)
  • bool send_document - Whether to post document after photo (defaults to false)
  • string document_name - Name of document that will be posted after photo (defaults to "Document")
  • string document_caption - Same as caption, but for document

Example data.json

  "page": 4000,
  "ratings": "questionable, explicit",
  "post_time": [
  "timezone": "Europe\/Kiev",
  "chat": -1001234567890,
  "caption": null,
  "parse_mode": "HTML",
  "send_document": true,
  "document_name": "Document",
  "document_caption": null,
  "log_fills": true,
  "disable_config_check": true