A cross-platform time based alacritty theme switcher inspired by the excellent circadian.el Emacs package by guidoschmidt, written in Python.
The package can be installed from multiple sources (other than Git releases):
$ pip install alacritty-circadian
Using the yay AUR wrapper:
$ yay alacritty-circadian
This will also install the required system services, which have to be added manually when installing from pip. Read below for more info.
Either download the release, or just clone the head. Then, cd into the directory and install the package locally.
$ python -m build
$ pip install .
You'll find some example config files in docs/
Note: the package has been made with setuptools
and build
The program parses a YAML file named circadian.yaml
It has the following fields:
# Choose whatever folder you like to store the themes
# If you are a *NIX user:
theme-folder: ~/.config/alacritty/themes
# If you are a WINDOWS user:
# Remember to escape special chars for Windows paths and surround them
# with double quotes if you are using environment variables, e.g.:
theme-folder: "%APPDATA%\\alacritty\\themes"
# If you want to use sun phases instead of time, put your coordinates in the
# config file:
latitude: 40.684485
longitude: -74.401383
# Themes are an associative array of the following format.
# Theme names MUST NOT use file extensions.
# 'time' values can either be:
# - an HH:MM time format
# - one of the following sun phases:
# * dawn
# * sunrise
# * noon
# * sunset
# * dusk
- time: sunset
name: tokyo-night
- time: 7:00
name: pencil-light
All themes should use the format commonly used for alacritty themes:
# Colors
# Default Colors
background: '0xf1f1f1'
foreground: '0x424242'
# Normal colors
black: '0x212121'
# Other alacritty compatible fields
You can find a comprehensive list of them at alacritty-theme.
To start the service just run the CLI script:
$ alacritty-circadian
The intended way to use the utility is via a system service.
On a systemd init Linux this is attainable by adding the following service file
to ~/.config/systemd/user/alacritty-circadian.service
Description=Alacritty automatic theme switch
Installing via the AUR will automate this process for you, leaving you to just enable the system services.
$ systemctl --user enable alacritty-circadian.service
$ systecmtl --user start alacritty-circadian.service
Included in the releases are .exe
binaries to use as a startup
application, just download one and add a shortcut to it in the Startup
folder (Win + R 'shell:startup'
to open it). After that you'll be able to see
it in your task manager.
It should be quite easy to add a launchd
service in ~/Library/LaunchAgents
although you'll have to provide your own service file (i don't own a Mac).