Getting Started

This dapp is built on top of Truffle and Next.js

  1. Install dependencies

Ensure that you're using the version of Node that is specified in ~/.nvmrc file before installing dependencies or running this project locally. This will lock your local Node version for the project to prevent unexpectedly large changes in package-lock.json file. Using nvm command:

nvm use # pick node version from .nvmrc file
npm install
  1. Set up local instance of Ganache blockchain.

You will need to install Ganache to fire up local Ethereum blockchain. This blockchain will execute Solidity contracts from ~/contracts folder.

Inside Ganache, create a new Ethereum workspace. Next, click on the Gear icon (:gear:) and navigate to Workspace. Add new truffle project by supplying the path to your truffle-config.js file.

  1. Deploy contracts to Ganache

From the project's terminal window, compile smart contracts and migrate them to your local Ganache instance.

If you want to have truffle installed globally:

npm install -g truffle 

truffle compile # compile *.sol files locally

truffle migrate # deploy contracts to Ganache blockchain

truffle console

exec "./add-books.js" #use this inside the truffle console to populate the blockchain with books


npx truffle compile

npx truffle migrate

npx truffle console

exec "./add-books.js" #use this inside the truffle console to populate the blockchain with books
  1. Run the development server
cd dapp # navigate to the folder where the Next.js project at.

npm install # install Next.js deps

npm run dev # fire dev server

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the result.