Funny Movies

Funny Movies is a web application that allows users to share YouTube videos with each other. Users can add videos by pasting a YouTube URL into a form, and other users can view and rate those videos.

Technologies Used

Funny Movies is built using the following technologies:

  • React.js for the front-end
  • Ruby on Rails for the back-end
  • PostgreSQL for the database

Installation and Usage

To install and run Funny Movies, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the necessary dependencies by running npm install in the root directory and bundle install in the root directory.
  3. Create a new PostgreSQL database by running rails db:create.
  4. Run the database migrations by running rails db:migrate.
  5. Copy env.example to .env and config with your setting.
  6. Start the Rails server by running rails s.
  7. Start the React development server by running npm start in the root directory.
  8. Navigate to http://localhost:3001 in your web browser to use the application.


  • Users can add YouTube videos to the application by pasting in a URL.
  • Videos are displayed on the home page along with the title, uploader, and a short description.
  • Users can view videos in a player embedded in the page.
  • The most recently added videos are displayed on the home page.


If you would like to contribute to Funny Movies, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. Please follow the project's coding style and conventions, and write unit tests for any new functionality.


Funny Movies is released under the MIT License.