Sort code for Miniball data using the new FEBEX/MIDAS DAQ from the 2022 campaign onwards.
This sort code has been updated to take data from the MBS/FEBEX DAQ (.lmd files - 2022) and the MBS/DGF DAQ (.med files - 2001-2018). Not all features of the old DAQ have yet been implemented, but if you have an old data set that you would like to sort, make a request with the "issues" feature and we will try to implement your requirement.
There is a Wiki page for this code, giving some more detailed instructions of how to analyse data.
Please cite the code using the DOI if you use it for your publications: doi:10.5281/zenodo.7867979.
git clone
make clean
if you add the MiniballSort/bin to your PATH variable. You can also add MiniballSort/lib to your (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH too.
The input options are described below
use mb_sort with following flags:
[-i <vector<string>>: List of input files]
[-o <string >: Output file for histogram file]
[-s <string >: Settings file]
[-c <string >: Calibration file]
[-r <string >: Reaction file]
[-f : Flag to force new ROOT conversion]
[-e : Flag to force new event builder (new calibration)]
[-source : Flag to define an source only run]
[-ebis : Flag to define an EBIS only run, discarding data >4ms after an EBIS event]
[-mbs : Flag to define input as MBS data type]
[-spy : Flag to run the DataSpy]
[-m <int >: Monitor input file every X seconds]
[-p <int >: Port number for web server (default 8030)]
[-d <string >: Directory to put the sorted data default is /path/to/data/sorted]
[-g : Launch the GUI]
[-h : Print this help]